Your body is filled with a very complex nervous system that is always trying to regulate itself. Many things can have an impact on your nervous system, depleting your energy and affecting how you feel, often without us consciously realising it (doom scrolling through instagram for example).

One of the first steps to refreshing your energy is to first identify what your ENERGY DRAINERS are. What are the things in life that make you feel depleted, low, sad or exhausted?

The next step is to identify your ENERGY GIVERS. These are the things in life that feed your soul, make your cup feel full, make you happy and give your energy a boost.

Take a moment now to look through the below lists and see what your ENERGY DRAINERS vs ENERGY GIVERS are. You can then start adjust yourself accordingly - doing less of the drainers and more of the givers.


  1. Lack of Sleep

  2. Too much screen time / being on your phone too much

  3. Social media

  4. The news

  5. Feeling stressed or anxious

  6. Overworking or burning out

  7. People pleasing

  8. Overthinking

  9. Dehydration / not drinking enough water

  10. Not eating enough / not nourishing your body

  11. Eating too much junk food

  12. Fear and self doubt

  13. Ruminating over the past or overthinking the future

  14. Spending too much time around: bullies, people you can’t be yourself  around, really negative people, people who are really judgemental, people who have a big ego, people who gossip a lot, complainers, people who expect  perfection, people who are abusive, people who are fake

  15. Unprocessed anger, bitterness, or resentment

  16. Not exercising or physically moving your body

  17. Family

  18. Fixating on your imperfections

  19. Focussing on what you don't have

  20. Wearing a mask / hiding or suppressing emotions

  21. Comparing your life to others

  22. Doing a job that you hate

What else drains your energy? Remember that we are all different. Only you will truly know what your ENERGY DRAINERS are. Write out your list and then you can see what things you need to do less of or what changes you may need to make.


Energy Givers

  1. Meditation

  2. Good quality sleep / rest

  3. Breathwork  / deep breaths

  4. Nourishing food

  5. Setting healthy boundaries with toxic people

  6. Therapy – talking to people

  7. Water / hydration

  8. Being out in nature

  9. Sunlight

  10. Playing with my kids (parent specific)

  11. Love and intimacy

  12. Meaningful connections

  13. Responding to your body’s needs/emotional needs

  14. Tapping

  15. Positive Affirmations

  16. Learning something new

  17. Cooking / Reading

  18. Art / Being creative

  19. Exercise / moving your body

  20. Play! Doing something with no particular outcome - just for the fun of it.

  21. Hot baths, massages

  22. Watching movies that make you laugh

  23. Dancing / listening to music that you love

  24. Journaling

  25. Doing a job you are passionate about

What else gives YOU energy? What feeds your soul and makes you happy? Write out a list and start to do more of the things in life that GIVE you energy.

Tapping is a great way to refresh your energy when you’re feeling a bit depleted because it physically brings your nervous system back into balance AND helps to rewire your brain to think differently. Watch this video now to see how easy it is to do.

For more support on nurturing your wellbeing please get in touch I would love to hear from you xx