Befriend Your Inner Critic - YouTube LIVE

We all have an inner critic that can be really mean and nasty, filling us with self doubt and negative thoughts. When you give this critic too much air time you start to genuinely believe the lies that it tells you, which has a big impact on your mental health and wellbeing. The most powerful antidote for the inner critic, is self compassion.

Try this 5 Minute Tapping meditation to befriend your inner critic and show yourself loving kindness.

If you would like more support befriending your inner critic then join me on my Happy Heads YouTube LIVE on Wednesday 12th March at 12pm GMT.

I can’t wait to see you all there.

Big Love

Kim x

Happy Heads YouTube Live Sessions

Hi Lovely People,

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful start to the year. I wanted to share some exciting news with you guys and also ask for your support.

I’m going to start doing lunchtime Happy Heads YouTube Live sessions every Wednesday at 12pm and the first one is 26th February.

They’ll be 30 minutes long so perfect to fit into your lunch break and will include lots of tapping, breathwork, meditation, visualisation and more. They are totally FREE and if you enjoy the session you can donate but it’s completely up to you and not compulsory in any way.

Each session will cover a different mental health topic and this is where I would really love your input. What would YOU like to tap on? Is there anything you’re struggling with? Is there a topic you would particularly like me to cover? Is there anything about tapping you’d like to know more about? Anything about meditation you’ve always wanted to know? All questions, topics and ideas are welcome!

Please email any ideas or requests to kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you.

Put Weds 26th Feb at 12pm in your diary and then simply click onto the Happy Heads YouTube channel page and you’ll see the live session. Or if you subscribe to the channel, click ‘notification’ and it will give you gentle reminder.

I can’t wait to see you all LIVE!

Big Love
Kim xx


Keynote Speaker

For 10 years now, I have regularly been doing talks and running workshops in companies such as Warner Music, Soho House, Facebook, Stella McCartney and at live events, discussing a wide range of mental health and wellbeing topics.

I combine a wealth of personal and professional experience to create tailored talks that support everyone’s unique brain - helping people to reduce anxiety, prevent burnout, increase confidence, nurture their inner child, improve focus, overcome limiting beliefs, improve sleep, reduce stress, process grief and so much more.

My life’s passion is talking about the human mind and what we can do to look after it so if you’re looking to add a mental health speaker to your event, Happy Heads would make a great addition.

Mental Health Topics

The talks and presentations I give cover a wide variety of Mental Health topics including:

* Prevent Burnout 

* Befriend Your Inner Critic 

* Reduce Stress & Anxiety

* Manifest The Life You Want

* Emotional Resilience

* Calm Your Nervous System 

* Improve Sleep

* Overcome Limiting Beliefs

* Improve Your Focus 

* Resilience Toolkit 

* Grief Support

* Living with Grief

* Refresh Your Energy

* Nurture Your Inner Child

I also specialises in teaching children and families so as well as being a mum of two, supporting parents (especially working mums) is something that I’m really passionate about.

The topics I cover include:

* Parent & Child Wellbeing

* Child Mental Health

* The Importance of Childhood

* Teen Wellbeing

* Teaching Children Meditation 

* Mindful Parenting    

* Parental Burnout

* Supporting Mums in the Workplace

* Pregnancy Birth & Beyond

* Navigating Postpartum

Life doesn’t need to be overwhelming - it’s time to make your head happy again!

To book please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you or you can complete the form below xx


Are you a people pleaser?

If you’re not sure whether you’re a people pleaser or not, answer the following questions and see how many you answer YES to.

  • Do you always put the needs of others ahead of your own?

  • Do you worry about what other people think?

  • Do you struggle to make decisions

  • Do you struggle to say no?

  • Do you find it hard to set boundaries?

  • Do you often adapt who you are to please others?

  • Do you avoid disagreeing with people or voicing your honest opinion?

  • Do you go along with things they you’re not happy about to avoid conflict?

  • Do you feel pressure to be friendly, nice, or cheerful at all times?

  • Do you feel anxious at the thought of standing up for yourself?

  • Do you feel people often take advantage of you?

A “people pleaser” personality means a person feels a strong urge to please others, even at their own expense. They may feel that their wants and needs do not matter or alter their personality around others.

Where does ‘people pleasing’ come from?

People pleasing is actually a highly adaptive way for a child to survive their childhood. For various different reasons the technique of ‘pleasing’ a parent or caregiver ensures the child gets their core needs met (food, love, affection, connection) or in more traumatic situations it might help limit pain and abuse. 

Carried into adulthood, people pleasing can actually be really damaging to your mental health and wellbeing.

Constantly putting the needs of others before your own, overthinking and assessing how other people feel or think is hugely draining for your nervous system for a number of reasons:

  • We can’t ever know what someone is thinking - it’s a wasted energy!

  • Overthinking creates anxiety and can put your nervous system into high alert

  • Ignoring your own needs increases stress levels

  • Putting your self worth in other peoples hands is like giving your power away

  • It makes it difficult to make decisions for yourself 

  • Constant external validation cultivates self doubt and low self worth 

Tapping is a great way to start reclaiming your power! Try this process now and rebuild your self worth once again.

For more support please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to help xx


Do you feel anxious in social situations?

If you do, then you’re not alone. Social anxiety is really normal, especially post pandemic. We were isolated from people for a long time and your nervous system would have adapted to that change so it’s understandable that people are still adjusting to social interactions. In small doses a bit of anxiety is no bad thing at all but what you don’t want, is for it to build and feel overwhelming to the point that you then start to avoid social situations because our brains NEED human connection.

Human brains are wired to connect with others, and this need is as fundamental as the need for food or shelter.

The human brain is wired to thrive in social environments. Our brains have specialised areas dedicated to processing social interactions, emotions, and empathy. When we engage in social connections, these brain regions are activated, leading to the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like oxytocin and dopamine, which contribute to positive emotions and wellbeing.

Whatever your fear is of social situations, try this tapping process now to calm your nerves and rebuild your confidence once again. Your brain will love you for it!

For more support please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to help xx


Anxiety is a completely normal human emotion that everyone experiences to varying degrees. If we didn’t have it we would all be lemmings walking into the road, so anxiety quite literally keeps us safe.

The problem is, our amygdala (brains fear response) doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined threat. This is why you can feel anxious speaking in public, going on a date, new social situations, thinking about a future event, making new friends, getting on a busy bus….none of these are REAL threats to your life but your amygdala still thinks you’re about to get eaten by a sober toothed tiger.

Tapping is the perfect way to face it head on, which is the quickest way to reduce anxiety and bring stillness to your body and mind. The physical tapping sends a calming signal directly to your amygdala and reminds your nervous system that you are in fact SAFE.

Are you feeling anxious right now? Try this quick 3 minute tapping process and see how you feel.

For more support please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to help xx


The fear of public speaking is something that many people struggle with so if it fills you with anxiety then you are not alone. I used to have a chronic fear of speaking in public until I discovered tapping, which is lucky as I now teach and talk in front of big groups regularly!

Contrary to what your brain might think, you don't need to completely eradicate the fear because it's a normal part of speaking in public BUT you don't want fear to ever hold you back from also feeling calm and grounded when you do.

Tapping is the perfect way to reduce your fear and start to rewire your mind to think differently. The affirmation I AM EXCITED is a great way to actually trick your mind because the feeling of anxiety is physiologically almost the same as the feeling of excitement (racing heart, palms sweaty, butterflies in stomach…).I have used this many times before running workshops to big audiences and it always helps me calm my mind,

Another great way to overcome the fear of public speaking is identify what lies behind your fear. So for me it wasn’t the public speaking itself it was the fear of saying something wrong and the fear of being judged. Once I worked on those limiting beliefs and processed their core route memories - my confidence was transformed.

If you would like to explore your fear of public speaking more deeply then please do get in touch Kim@happyheads.me I would love to help.

I hope you enjoy this one, I know you can do it, let me know how it goes :)

Big Love

Kim x


The start of your day is a REALLY important time for your mind. It can make the difference between having a good or bad day. When you set your brain up right you'll be much better equipped to deal with what the day might throw at you. Never look at your phone first thing in the morning it’s like giving your mental health and power away, instead do something that calms and soothes both body and mind.

This 3 minute Tapping Process won't take long at all but will be having a BIG impact on your nervous system - the perfect way to start the day!



My Interview as part of the Tapping World Summit is now LIVE and you can watch it HERE. It's live and FREE for the next 16hrs but after that you can buy the summit and own it for life.

I had a wonderful conversation with Jessica Ortner about how we can use tapping to Nuture Your Inner Child and we also did some actual tapping that you can do too. Watching it will help you learn:

  • How to recognize when your adult reactions of today are actually manifestations of unresolved childhood experiences from the past.

  • How to address limiting beliefs like “I’m not enough” with self-compassion and self-acceptance (hint: Tapping can help!)

  • Self-care practices and affirmations to nurture your inner child and heal deep-seated emotional wounds.

I hope you enjoy the interview and if you did like it you may want to check out my Nurture Your Inner Child Programme.

Big Love
Kim xx


Rumination is when your minds get stuck on certain thoughts, usually negative ones. It's like a broken record in your mind that won't stop playing. When we ruminate over the past we keep replaying certain events, worrying about things we said, overthinking our actions and wishing their was a different outcome. This can easily make you feel overwhelmed, anxious and has a detrimental impact on your mental health.

This is because it's a completed wasted energy - we can't change the past! What we can do though is anchor our minds in the present moment and tapping is a great way to do that and stop the rumination.


Collarbone breathing is a great way to quickly reduce stress and anxiety. You're working specifically with the collarbone point (chest area) which is a common place that most people experience their stress and anxiety. It also has a very specific breathing technique that helps to deepen your breathing and focus your mind on the present moment.

If you’re interested in private sessions and 1:1 coaching please get int touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you and always offer a FREE 20 min consultation call xx


Your body is filled with a very complex nervous system that is always trying to regulate itself. Many things can have an impact on your nervous system, depleting your energy and affecting how you feel, often without us consciously realising it (doom scrolling through instagram for example).

One of the first steps to refreshing your energy is to first identify what your ENERGY DRAINERS are. What are the things in life that make you feel depleted, low, sad or exhausted?

The next step is to identify your ENERGY GIVERS. These are the things in life that feed your soul, make your cup feel full, make you happy and give your energy a boost.

Take a moment now to look through the below lists and see what your ENERGY DRAINERS vs ENERGY GIVERS are. You can then start adjust yourself accordingly - doing less of the drainers and more of the givers.


  1. Lack of Sleep

  2. Too much screen time / being on your phone too much

  3. Social media

  4. The news

  5. Feeling stressed or anxious

  6. Overworking or burning out

  7. People pleasing

  8. Overthinking

  9. Dehydration / not drinking enough water

  10. Not eating enough / not nourishing your body

  11. Eating too much junk food

  12. Fear and self doubt

  13. Ruminating over the past or overthinking the future

  14. Spending too much time around: bullies, people you can’t be yourself  around, really negative people, people who are really judgemental, people who have a big ego, people who gossip a lot, complainers, people who expect  perfection, people who are abusive, people who are fake

  15. Unprocessed anger, bitterness, or resentment

  16. Not exercising or physically moving your body

  17. Family

  18. Fixating on your imperfections

  19. Focussing on what you don't have

  20. Wearing a mask / hiding or suppressing emotions

  21. Comparing your life to others

  22. Doing a job that you hate

What else drains your energy? Remember that we are all different. Only you will truly know what your ENERGY DRAINERS are. Write out your list and then you can see what things you need to do less of or what changes you may need to make.


Energy Givers

  1. Meditation

  2. Good quality sleep / rest

  3. Breathwork  / deep breaths

  4. Nourishing food

  5. Setting healthy boundaries with toxic people

  6. Therapy – talking to people

  7. Water / hydration

  8. Being out in nature

  9. Sunlight

  10. Playing with my kids (parent specific)

  11. Love and intimacy

  12. Meaningful connections

  13. Responding to your body’s needs/emotional needs

  14. Tapping

  15. Positive Affirmations

  16. Learning something new

  17. Cooking / Reading

  18. Art / Being creative

  19. Exercise / moving your body

  20. Play! Doing something with no particular outcome - just for the fun of it.

  21. Hot baths, massages

  22. Watching movies that make you laugh

  23. Dancing / listening to music that you love

  24. Journaling

  25. Doing a job you are passionate about

What else gives YOU energy? What feeds your soul and makes you happy? Write out a list and start to do more of the things in life that GIVE you energy.

Tapping is a great way to refresh your energy when you’re feeling a bit depleted because it physically brings your nervous system back into balance AND helps to rewire your brain to think differently. Watch this video now to see how easy it is to do.

For more support on nurturing your wellbeing please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you xx


Have you ever experienced bullying within the workplace? If you have, then you’re not alone. Recent studies show that 47% of UK workers have observed bullying at work and 1 in 10 people have experienced being bullied.

It’s something that can deeply impact your mental health, isn’t always obvious to spot and affects thousands of people every day. Unlike bullying at school which may be more overt, bullying within the workplace can be subtle with passive aggressive communication and gas lighting.

I experienced this myself 7 years ago and it’s not something I’ve ever spoken about. It had a huge impact on my mental health and the burnout it created took years to recover from.

You can listen to one of the things I experienced in the workplace with a female boss here:


Comments like this are deeply damaging to an employees mental health for a number of reasons:

1) it’s a personal attack on the employees personality and has nothing to do with their role .

2) They are using an umbrella term ‘everyone thinks’ rather than owning their personal opinion.

3) These types of comments are a form of emotional abuse, used to put a person down.

4) Language like this is used as a form of control in order to make a person feel small.

5) Statements like this don’t allow the person to really respond (what can you say to something like that) and is another way to assert control.

6) Derogatory comments in any form can negatively impact a persons self esteem.

It’s important to remember that while you control other people, you can always control how you react.

It may not feel like it at the time but you have a choice as to how much of someone’s toxic energy you take on.

Tapping is the perfect way to calm your nervous system and give that toxic energy back so watch the video above to help you nurture your mental health and process beeing bullied.

If you are going through it now, know that you are not alone. For more support please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you.

Kim xx


Anger is a normal human emotion but it's often not something that we know how to process in a healthy and safe way. Quite often anger is the proceeding emotion that covers up what we're really feeling inside (scared, lost, rejected, unsafe, sad, abandoned, betrayed, lonely).

This illustration called the Anger Funnel gives a clear description of how anger can be the blanket emotion for other feelings:

Anger shows up when we feel the need to defend ourselves. It’s a sign that something is wrong and needs our attention and consideration. Neither acting out in anger nor holding it in produces a desirable result. Anger demands our attention, as it buries our more authentic primary emotions, and prevents us from seeing ourselves and our situation clearly, and understanding what is happening within ourselves.

Unprocessed anger can wreak havoc on your mind and body. Watch the video above to see how you use tapping to help you process your anger and free your nervous system of negative tension.

If you would like more support dealing with your anger please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to help.

Big Love

Kim xx



"A state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion, caused by prolonged and excessive stress" 

Burnout is a very real and very scary thing to experience. I had it myself over 7 years ago now and in the space of 6 months in the toxic work environment I was in, I completely lost my mental health to the point I had severe anxiety which lead into depression. Overcoming burnout and learning how to nurture my mental health and wellbeing was one of the main reasons I retrained as a Tapping Practitioner, Meditation Teacher and started Happy Heads.

Anytime you feel stressed or anxious your amygdala (brains fear response) has been triggered and your nervous system goes into high alert (also known as the fight and flight response). Your body fills with cortisol which is the stress hormone, adrenalin races through your body, your digestive system slows down, heart races, muscles tense and your thinking brain goes off line - your body is primed to fight what it perceives as a threat.

In short doses being triggered in this way is fine as you quickly come back into rest and relaxation but when you are being triggered constantly (which is easily done in a stressful work environment) your body is flooded with too much cortisol, which has a damaging effect on your nervous system. This creates anxiety, which can then lead into severe anxiety and that can easily lead into depression. Ultimately your nervous system becomes completely frazzled and  your brain can't function properly.

Watch the video above to see how you can use tapping to process your burnout and bring some much needed calm to your over worked nervous system. No matter where you are in your burnout journey, I promise you, the way you feel right now WILL NOT be how you feel forever.


DON’T look at your phone first thing in the morning, you’ll be flooding it with information that it doesn’t need. Instead connect with your breath – your superpower!

MEDITATE every morning to set your brain up for the day. Regularly tuning in and processing your emotions ensures that things don’t become overwhelming and deep breathing engages your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relaxation).

SET a clear working day for yourself and be really strict with it. Don't look at your emails outside of working hours!

TAKE BREAKS throughout the day to be fully present in the moment with your breath and body. This helps to reduce anxiety and strengthen your neurological pathways.

RELAX your mind before you go to bed. Don’t look at a screen at least an hour before bed and do something relaxing instead (meditating, journaling, hot bath, listen to music, calming smells…) the brain needs to unwind after a busy day.

WRITE your 'to do' list the night before and never write more than 3 things you absolutely have to get done - everything else will then be a bonus!

REDUCE your intake of the news and social media. The news is inherently negative and social media makes you compare your life to others.

TAPPING is a powerful tool for overcoming negative thoughts. Use Emotional Freedom Technique every day to make sure you are regularly reframing your negative thoughts.

AFFIRMATIONS are a great way to overcome your limiting beliefs. So if you keep thinking 'I'm not good enough' repeat 'I AM good enough' or if you keep thinking 'I'm not clever' reframe to 'I AM clever'.

Sleep is the foundation of your mental health but it's often easily disrupted when you're experiencing burnout. Listen to this meditation before you go to bed to help calm your busy mind and improve those much needed ZZZZ's.

“I contacted Kim while in chronic burnout desperate for tools to support myself mentally. From the initial chat she listened, put me at ease and reassured she could help. The programme was hugely insightful and expertly led by Kim, by the end she had delivered on all aspects from our first conversation and much more. I can not thank her enough for giving me new found confidence, resilience and excitement for what the future holds!”
— Kristina


f you would like more support The Happy Heads Burnout Programme has been specifically designed to help you:

  • Overcome burnout, bringing calm and peace to your frazzled mind

  • Improve your mental and physical wellbeing

  • Release negative energy from your nervous system thats built up in the workplace

  • Rebuild your confidence and self belief

  • Bring your nervous system back into balance (after being under constant stress)

  • Reduce anxiety and stress held in both body and mind

  • Bring you back to yourself once again!

  • Improve your sleep & Focus

  • Empower you will a whole toolbox of calm that you can use at home or in the workplace

I always send out some pre questions first and then from that I tailor the programme to your exact needs. 

Each private session includes breathing techniques, guided meditation, and a full round of Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping). EFT is a powerful tool at helping you release negative tension held in both your body and mind and help you overcome any anxious, negative thoughts that you might be having.

I always offer a FREE 20 minute phone consultation so please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you xx


In a world where we can compare ourselves to others 24/7 it's so easy to speak negatively about your body if it doesn't fit with what you're seeing on the news, in magazines or on social media. Body positivity doesn't always come easy but it's a powerful way to boost your self belief and love your body exactly the way that it is.

Body positivity is less about what you look like and more about how you feel. When you’re mental health is in a good place you can literally view your body in a different way. I want to share a short story with you…

Around 8 years ago my self esteem was really low. I was in the middle of complete burnout in a very toxic workplace and my mental health had taken a sharp and terrifying decline. I had a wedding to go to and tried on a low cut dress. When I looked in the mirror I hated what I saw. I thought the dress made my boobs look tiny, I felt completely unconfident and couldn't imagine ever wearing it.

A year later when I had overcome burnout and transformed my mental health I had another wedding to go to. I got out THE SAME dress and put it on. What I saw was something completely different. Instead of hating what I saw, I liked it. I saw a dress that flattered by body, thought my boobs looked great and felt really confident.

My size and body shape hadn't changed....my mind had! I had been working so much on my mental health that my self esteem and self love had grown - I now viewed my body in a very different way.

I've now had two babies and my body has gone through SO many changes but I love it now more than ever. I appreciate my body for all that it does for me and make a conscious effort to speak kindly to it and myself.

I also now have the BIG responsibility to actively practice self love in front of my children because kids copy behaviour. It's no good me telling my children to love themselves but then speaking negatively about my body in front of them. They won't learn to love themselves that way - in fact the opposite will be true.

My children know that mummy loves her body and that they should love theirs - that is what body positivity is. Loving your body for all that it is and all that it does. Honouring that some days may be difficult and making a conscious effort every day to speak kindly to yourself - especially when little eyes are watching your every move.

Watch this video to see how tapping can help you honour your emotions and start to reframe the way you view your body.


We have on average between 6,000 - 60,000 thoughts per day. If most of those are negative it's easy to see how this can have a detrimental impact on your mental health and wellbeing.

The January Happy Heads Monthly Reset is called 'Overcome Your Negative Thoughts' and includes:
- Insight into negative thinking and the impact it can have on our mental and physical wellbeing.
- A tapping video to help you overcome your negative thoughts.
- Top tips to help you change your mindset and think more positively.
- Guided meditation to bring your brain back into balance.

To get it simply sign up to the Happy Heads Monthly Reset. You'll also get a FREE meditation as soon as you join xx

#mentalhealth #wellbeing #wellbeingcoach #wellnesscoach #wellness #tapping #efttapping #eft #meditation #meditate #breathing #breathwork #selflove #loveyourself #selfcare #happyheads #freemeditation #confidence #selfbelief #selfconfidence #innerpower #strength #negativity #negativethinking #positivethinking #happiness #mindset #brainpower


"A manifestation is something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings and beliefs" Law of Attraction

Without consciously realising - we are always manifesting. Every thought you have creates an energy flow within and around your physical being. This energy attracts its likeness. So if you’re thinking “I’m not good enough” then your energy may start to reflect that and it will be harder to attract positive experiences that align to your authentic self.

The opposite experience occurs when you think high-level thoughts like 'I AM good enough’. Your energy will start to exude confidence and positivity and in turn will attract better experiences into your life. Every thought you have informs your energy, and your energy manifests into your experiences so to put it simply - your thoughts and energy create your reality.

Here is the four step process to follow when you manifest your dreams:

Step 1. Let Go Of Resistance

Before you can think about manifesting your dreams, you first need to let go of resistence and self doubt that might be holding you back. These are the limiting, negative beliefs that your brain defaults to when you even begin to think about what you want from your life

Step 2. Set A Goal

The next step is to actually set a goal. What are your biggest dream? What truly makes you happy? It’s much harder to get to a destination if you don’t know where you want to go. If you don’t yet know what you want from your life then think about how you want to FEEL - calm, happy, grounded, confident, empowered…. this is equally as important and can often inform you of your dreams.

Step 3. Learn To Attract Deliberately

You have set your destination, now you have to get there.

You have set your intention and know what you want from the universe, so now you must take action to ensure that your dream is manifested into a reality. If you set your goal and then put it to the back of your mind, it will never become a reality. Remember, you are what you give your attention to. Therefore, you should try to fuel your dream with as much positive attention as possible.

Here are some of the best ways to fuel your dream with positive attention;

  • Speak about it

  • Dream about it

  • Talk about it

  • Think about it

  • Create a dream board

  • Use visualisation

  • Use affirmations

  • Feel good about it!

Fill your mind with thoughts of you living out your dreams and feel excited about it. This should immediately heighten your positive energy and emit a frequency to the universe that you will want it to match.

Step 4 – Act ‘As If’

When you act, speak, think and feel ‘as if’ you are already living your dreams. The Law Of Attraction can work to match all of the positivity that you are emitting and provide you with more of the same.

For many, acting ‘as if’ can be a great cause of internal conflict. After all, you are acting ‘as if’ you are rich/successful/healthy/happy when your reality may suggest completely otherwise. However, it is important to try and avoid this inner conflict at all costs. Your task is to feel as good as though you are already living your dreams.

So, begin to believe more and allow yourself to feel good knowing that your dreams are already on their way.

Finally – dream big! The bigger your dreams, the more beautiful your reality can become.

Tapping is a powerful tool at helping you manifest the life you want because it enables you to do a number of things:

  • Identify what your dreams actually are

  • Begin to shift your internal narrative about the dream

  • Overcome any self doubt that will be holding you back from manifesting

  • Release negative energy in your nervous system that might block your dream

  • Put it out into the universe with powerful, spoken affirmations like I AM SUCCESSFUL , I AM HAPPY

Watch the video above to see how you can use tapping to manifest your dreams.



“The happy heads retreat was the perfect reset button for me. The retreat was a brilliant combination of self help tricks, reflection and goal setting. Kim is a truly wonderful facilitator who draws on her own experiences and struggles to help her clients rationalise and work trough theirs. I would highly reccomend this retreat to anyone, those with specific areas they want to work on, or those who want to book in and just get a life MOT, it’s a fantastic course I would love to do all over again." Liz

Only 5 days until the Happy Heads Wellbeing Retreat begins! It's been specifically designed to help you transform your mental and physical wellbeing enabling you to kick start 2023 feeling calm, grounded and empowered.

"I got so much from the retreat with Kim. I learned some really effective ways to control my demons and make the day-to-day more manageable. And the guided meditations gave me a beautiful introduction to the practice. Kim has the most open, comfortable and kind presence - it was a real joy. Would highly recommend."


To make it easily manageable the retreat is set across 4 lunch time sessions.

Each Wednesday @12pm there will be a 1.5hr LIVE workshop that will help you delve deeper into what you really want from the year ahead and overcome any self doubt that may be holding you back. Every workshop includes insight into the brain and topic, breathing techniques, guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping).

4th January - Self Love & Set Intentions

11th January - Overcome Negative Beliefs

18th January - Manifest the Life you Want 

25th January - Step into your Power

"The Happy Head’s retreat came at the best time possible for me. The retreat provided the perfect pause for reflection.I would definitely recommend."


After the workshops you’ll receive a support email that has all the key insights from what you learnt, a meditation recording for you to use, tapping videos to follow and a weekly (easily doable) practice to help you integrate the tools and techniques into your day. Each one will be recorded so if you miss one you can always catch up.

"That was AMAZING Kim thank you. I cried the whole way through it!"


It’s been designed to completely reset your mind, body & soul. Spaces are limited, to book on click the link below or you can get in touch kim@happyheads.me.

The whole retreat is £110, spaces are limited don’t miss out!I can't wait to see you all.

Big Love xx

“I have just finished the Happy Heads Retreat and really cannot recommend it highly enough. As someone with a chronic neurological condition I have suffered with worry, self-doubt and anxiety most of my adult life. Kim delivers the sessions in a very calm and gentle manner and she has such a reassuring way about her which really helped me to believe I could achieve what I wanted to. The retreat left me feeling truly empowered. If you want to make a change in your life then I urge you to try it for yourself."



I have just finished the Happy Heads Retreat and really cannot recommend it highly enough. As someone with a chronic neurological condition I have suffered with worry, self-doubt and anxiety most of my adult life. Kim delivers the sessions in a very calm and gentle manner and she has such a reassuring way about her, which really helped me to believe I could achieve what I wanted to. The retreat left me feeling truly empowered.
If you want to make a change in your life then I urge you to try it for yourself.
— Vikki


The Happy Heads Wellbeing Retreat is officially back and i'm so excited to share it with you! It's been specifically designed to help you transform your mental and physical wellbeing enabling you to kick start 2023 feeling calm, grounded and empowered.

To make it easily manageable the retreat is set across 4 lunch time sessions.

Each Wednesday @12pm there will be a 1.5hr LIVE workshop that will help you delve deeper into what you really want from the year ahead and overcome any self doubt that may be holding you back. Every workshop includes insight into the brain and topic, breathing techniques, guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping).

4th January - Self Love & Set Intentions

11th January - Overcome Negative Beliefs

18th January - Manifest the Life you Want 

25th January - Step into your Power

After the workshops you’ll receive a support email that has all the key insights from what you learnt, a meditation recording for you to use, tapping videos to follow and a weekly (easily doable) practice to help you integrate the tools and techniques into your day. Each one will be recorded so if you miss one you can always catch up.

It’s been designed to completely reset your mind, body & soul. Spaces are limited, to book on click the link below or you can get in touch kim@happyheads.me.

The whole retreat is £110 but special Early Bird Tickets are only £80, don’t miss out! xx