Nurture your inner child

These 10 days will change your life...

Life isn't always easy. In fact, for most people, it involves a lot of stress and struggle on a daily basis (and it may for you as well).

With finances, work, health, relationships, and a lot more. Most people are dealing with more stress, anxiety and overwhelm than they realise.

This is why I want to share what is probably the most transformational free online event that exists, that teaches one of most effective techniques for creating change, EFT, otherwise known as Tapping, with 10 days of free presentations. It's the 17th Annual Tapping World Summit!

This online event is amazing and a must watch. Click below to register and find out more.

This isn't just an informational event, it's an experience. Attendees don't just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better.

They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions. They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.They leave having cleared childhood traumas.

They leave the event better than when they went in. And you, yes YOU... will leave this event better than when you enter it.

Over 3 million people have attended this online event and last year I had the absolute privilege of being part of it talking about how to nurture your inner child.

Go here to learn more and get access to this free online event. I personally can’t wait!

Big Love

Kim xx

Happy Heads YouTube Live Sessions

Hi Lovely People,

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful start to the year. I wanted to share some exciting news with you guys and also ask for your support.

I’m going to start doing lunchtime Happy Heads YouTube Live sessions every Wednesday at 12pm and the first one is 26th February.

They’ll be 30 minutes long so perfect to fit into your lunch break and will include lots of tapping, breathwork, meditation, visualisation and more. They are totally FREE and if you enjoy the session you can donate but it’s completely up to you and not compulsory in any way.

Each session will cover a different mental health topic and this is where I would really love your input. What would YOU like to tap on? Is there anything you’re struggling with? Is there a topic you would particularly like me to cover? Is there anything about tapping you’d like to know more about? Anything about meditation you’ve always wanted to know? All questions, topics and ideas are welcome!

Please email any ideas or requests to I would love to hear from you.

Put Weds 26th Feb at 12pm in your diary and then simply click onto the Happy Heads YouTube channel page and you’ll see the live session. Or if you subscribe to the channel, click ‘notification’ and it will give you gentle reminder.

I can’t wait to see you all LIVE!

Big Love
Kim xx


Your childhood forms the foundation of your mental health because it’s when your brain and nervous system are still very much developing. Everything that happens to you in this time forms an internal blueprint for who you believe you are and how you see the world around you. It’s the time when your nervous system learns how to adapt to stress and when your strongest limiting beliefs are formed.

This is why your ‘inner child’ is so important. When we have big reactions to things it’s often our wounded inner child that has been triggered and it’s happening without us even realising.

Your “inner child” is a part of your subconsious that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future.

We all have an inner child inside of us, that for whatever reason, maybe didn’t have their needs met. It’s such an important part of who you are and doesn't take long to tune in to them and make them feel loved.

Try this short tapping process now to nurture your inner child and see how much calmer you feel.

For more support please get in touch or check out the Happy Heads Nurture Your Inner Child Programme xx



My Interview as part of the Tapping World Summit is now LIVE and you can watch it HERE. It's live and FREE for the next 16hrs but after that you can buy the summit and own it for life.

I had a wonderful conversation with Jessica Ortner about how we can use tapping to Nuture Your Inner Child and we also did some actual tapping that you can do too. Watching it will help you learn:

  • How to recognize when your adult reactions of today are actually manifestations of unresolved childhood experiences from the past.

  • How to address limiting beliefs like “I’m not enough” with self-compassion and self-acceptance (hint: Tapping can help!)

  • Self-care practices and affirmations to nurture your inner child and heal deep-seated emotional wounds.

I hope you enjoy the interview and if you did like it you may want to check out my Nurture Your Inner Child Programme.

Big Love
Kim xx



Life isn't always easy. In fact, for most people, it involves a lot of stress and struggle on a daily basis. With finances, work, health, relationships, and a lot more. Most people are dealing with more stress, anxiety and overwhelm than they realise.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Which is why I want to share what is probably the most transformational FREE online event that exists - The Tapping World Summit. I've been watching it for years gaining so many insights, inspiration and self healing and this year Jessica Ortner herself invited ME to be part of it (HUGE pinch me moment).

I had a wonderful conversation with Jessica about how we can use tapping to Nurture Our Inner Child and we also did some actual tapping that you can do to. Watching it will help you learn:

  • How to recognize when your adult reactions of today are actually manifestations of unresolved childhood experiences from the past.

  • How to address limiting beliefs like “I’m not enough” with self-compassion and self-acceptance (hint: Tapping can help!)

  • Self-care practices and affirmations to nurture your inner child and heal deep-seated emotional wounds.

There are 25 free presentations to watch, check out this page to learn more (click on the image below).

This isn't just an informational event also, it's an experience. Attendees don't just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better. They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.

They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more. They leave having cleared childhood traumas.They leave the event better than when they went in and YOU can be part of it.

It's been going on for 15 years, over 2.5 million people have attended this online event and it has a reputation for getting incredible results for anyone who watches it.

Trust me on this one... this technique and this event are truly amazing. Go here to learn more and sign up:


Enjoy and make sure to let me know what you think of the event.  I hope you enjoy my interview :)

Big Love
Kim xx


“Hold the hand of the child that lives in your soul. For this child, nothing is impossible.”

~Paulo Coelho

Your childhood forms the foundation of your mental health. It creates a blueprint for who you believe you are and how you see the world around you. Some memories will be positive and some will be difficult and challenging. Your inner child is that part of you that for whatever reason maybe didn’t have their needs met as a child.

When we have a strong emotional reaction to something we’re reacting to the present moment because of our past and it’s often your inner child that’s been triggered.

For example, let’s say your boss criticises you for a project you worked really hard on and you feel flooded with emotion - this may be triggering your inner child and your limiting belief ‘I’m not good enough’.

You may be able to access some core memories to help understand your emotional reactions but most will be completely unconscious.

“Your “inner child” is a part of your subconscious that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future”

No parent is perfect, even the most loving parents make mistakes and of course childhood can be tough in many ways. Nurturing your inner child is a powerful way to bring inner peace to your internal world and give your mental health the boost it needs.

Tapping is a great place to start. Watch the video above to start the healing process.