Befriend Your Inner Critic - YouTube LIVE

We all have an inner critic that can be really mean and nasty, filling us with self doubt and negative thoughts. When you give this critic too much air time you start to genuinely believe the lies that it tells you, which has a big impact on your mental health and wellbeing. The most powerful antidote for the inner critic, is self compassion.

Try this 5 Minute Tapping meditation to befriend your inner critic and show yourself loving kindness.

If you would like more support befriending your inner critic then join me on my Happy Heads YouTube LIVE on Wednesday 12th March at 12pm GMT.

I can’t wait to see you all there.

Big Love

Kim x


Check Me out In the tapping Solution App now!!

I am SO SO excited to announce that I am now part of the brilliant @thetappingsolution app. I regularly use the app myself because it has so many brilliant tapping meditations and series, so you can imagine how happy I was when they asked me to design an Inner Child Healing series for them. I am hugely proud of this series and I would love you to check it out. This four day series will help you deeply nurture your inner child, process your limiting beliefs and bring inner piece to your internal world.

All you have to do head to The Tapping Solution to download it now.

Thank you so much @jessicaortner @nickortner @alexortner.ts for letting me be part of your wonderful app xx

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My Interview as part of the Tapping World Summit is now LIVE and you can watch it HERE. It's live and FREE for the next 16hrs but after that you can buy the summit and own it for life.

I had a wonderful conversation with Jessica Ortner about how we can use tapping to Nuture Your Inner Child and we also did some actual tapping that you can do too. Watching it will help you learn:

  • How to recognize when your adult reactions of today are actually manifestations of unresolved childhood experiences from the past.

  • How to address limiting beliefs like “I’m not enough” with self-compassion and self-acceptance (hint: Tapping can help!)

  • Self-care practices and affirmations to nurture your inner child and heal deep-seated emotional wounds.

I hope you enjoy the interview and if you did like it you may want to check out my Nurture Your Inner Child Programme.

Big Love
Kim xx



Life isn't always easy. In fact, for most people, it involves a lot of stress and struggle on a daily basis. With finances, work, health, relationships, and a lot more. Most people are dealing with more stress, anxiety and overwhelm than they realise.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Which is why I want to share what is probably the most transformational FREE online event that exists - The Tapping World Summit. I've been watching it for years gaining so many insights, inspiration and self healing and this year Jessica Ortner herself invited ME to be part of it (HUGE pinch me moment).

I had a wonderful conversation with Jessica about how we can use tapping to Nurture Our Inner Child and we also did some actual tapping that you can do to. Watching it will help you learn:

  • How to recognize when your adult reactions of today are actually manifestations of unresolved childhood experiences from the past.

  • How to address limiting beliefs like “I’m not enough” with self-compassion and self-acceptance (hint: Tapping can help!)

  • Self-care practices and affirmations to nurture your inner child and heal deep-seated emotional wounds.

There are 25 free presentations to watch, check out this page to learn more (click on the image below).

This isn't just an informational event also, it's an experience. Attendees don't just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better. They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.

They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more. They leave having cleared childhood traumas.They leave the event better than when they went in and YOU can be part of it.

It's been going on for 15 years, over 2.5 million people have attended this online event and it has a reputation for getting incredible results for anyone who watches it.

Trust me on this one... this technique and this event are truly amazing. Go here to learn more and sign up:


Enjoy and make sure to let me know what you think of the event.  I hope you enjoy my interview :)

Big Love
Kim xx


In a world where we can compare ourselves to others 24/7 it's so easy to speak negatively about your body if it doesn't fit with what you're seeing on the news, in magazines or on social media. Body positivity doesn't always come easy but it's a powerful way to boost your self belief and love your body exactly the way that it is.

Body positivity is less about what you look like and more about how you feel. When you’re mental health is in a good place you can literally view your body in a different way. I want to share a short story with you…

Around 8 years ago my self esteem was really low. I was in the middle of complete burnout in a very toxic workplace and my mental health had taken a sharp and terrifying decline. I had a wedding to go to and tried on a low cut dress. When I looked in the mirror I hated what I saw. I thought the dress made my boobs look tiny, I felt completely unconfident and couldn't imagine ever wearing it.

A year later when I had overcome burnout and transformed my mental health I had another wedding to go to. I got out THE SAME dress and put it on. What I saw was something completely different. Instead of hating what I saw, I liked it. I saw a dress that flattered by body, thought my boobs looked great and felt really confident.

My size and body shape hadn't mind had! I had been working so much on my mental health that my self esteem and self love had grown - I now viewed my body in a very different way.

I've now had two babies and my body has gone through SO many changes but I love it now more than ever. I appreciate my body for all that it does for me and make a conscious effort to speak kindly to it and myself.

I also now have the BIG responsibility to actively practice self love in front of my children because kids copy behaviour. It's no good me telling my children to love themselves but then speaking negatively about my body in front of them. They won't learn to love themselves that way - in fact the opposite will be true.

My children know that mummy loves her body and that they should love theirs - that is what body positivity is. Loving your body for all that it is and all that it does. Honouring that some days may be difficult and making a conscious effort every day to speak kindly to yourself - especially when little eyes are watching your every move.

Watch this video to see how tapping can help you honour your emotions and start to reframe the way you view your body.



"You need to listen to your body because your body is listening to you" 
Phil McGraw

Your body is an incredible source of wisdom and can tell you a lot but you need to listen to it. It’s often your body that will know before you do if you’re stressed and burning out. It could be an achey back, twitching eyes, bad skin, irritable gut, bloating, chest pains - these are all physical symptoms of stress.

You have a nerve called the vagus nerve that connects directly from your brain stem through your chest, down to your abdomen and carries sensory information from the internal organs back to the brain - your body and mind are completely interconnected.

Anytime you feel stressed your amygdala has been triggered and your body begins to go into the fight and flight response. In short periods this is ok but if you're constantly stressed this can cause havoc on your nervous system and body.

We often go straight to the physical problem to fix stress but it begins in the mind - calm your mind and your physical wellbeing will improve.

*if you're worried that something isn't stress related always check with your doctor.


When you feel stressed or anxious your body is quick to respond so it’s important to know what physical sensations you experience and how stress manifests for you. When you start to listen carefully to your body you understand that it's telling you (often before you realise) that you're stressed and need slow down. Here are a few ways in which stress can physically manifest:

  • Sweating - palms, face, back (any area of the body)

  • Nausea - feeling sick or actually being sick

  • Headaches - varying areas and pain intensity, migraines

  • Breathing & Chest - breath begins to shorten, which raises your heart beat, tension or tightness in chest

  • Gut - tense feeling in stomach or just above, going to the loo more or less than usual, IBS, bloating, butterflies, digestive problems

  • Numbness - in areas of the body that usually have more sensation 

  • Appetite - hunger or loss of appetite

  • Twitchy eye - excessive blinking or sporadic twitch

  • Muscle aches - achy limbs, tension in back & shoulders, tight throat

  • Skin - bad skin (spots), breakout, irritation or blushing

  • Monthly Cycle - for women your periods can stop


Take a minute now to tune into your body and list out what reactions you have when you feel stressed or anxious...


Below a guided body scan meditation. This is a really effective way to check-in daily with how your body is feeling and process any stress that you might be experiencing. Try not to judge or change whatever comes up, simply notice with a gentle curiosity.


Being a mum to a little one can feel really challenging because you are often sleep deprived and that's tough! When you’ve had a bad nights sleep there is a 66% amplification to your brains amygdala (fear response) which means:
- It’s easy to feel more anxious
- Harder to think clearly and focus
- Easier to think negatively
- Harder to self regulate your emotions
- Your nervous system may feel frazzled and more sensitive
- You may feel floaty and like you’re on another planet

Whilst I can’t give you the gift of sleep I do know how to calm your nervous system, which is all you need to do on days when you’ve had zero sleep and you'll be surprised at how much more awake you feel afterwards!
Watch this video to see how it's done and reset your tired mind 👆🏼
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Finding time for self care as a parent can be tough when all your energy is being poured into your little ones. A child's brain is still very much developing, which is why they are unable to self regulate their emotions - they need us to help them. That's incredibly hard to do if you're feeling exhausted, stressed, anxious and low. The more you nurture your own mind, the easier it is to nurture theirs.

Watch this video to see how you can use tapping to calm your incredible parent brain.

If you would like more support nurturing your mind please get in touch I would love to help xx




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What is tapping and how does it work? This is a question I get asked a lot and something i'm always very passionate about answering. I've been an Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) practitioner for nearly 7 years now and the results I see with my clients never fails to amaze me. Seeing the huge realisations and shifts that they have is always so inspiring. Even during group workshops and retreats when I have no idea what anyone is personally working on tapping has powerful results.


Your body is filled with a very complex nervous system that is connected to your brain my something called the vagus nerve - your mind and body are completely interconnected. Where these energy (meridian) lines begin and end they are closer to the surface of your skin so you can physically tap on them to release the negative tension that you're holding in both your body and your mind.

Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It's also part neuro linguistic programming (using your voice to rewire your brain) which is why it is so powerful at helping you overcome your anxious, negative thoughts and it's amazing at helping you get to the core route of a problem. You're bringing your nervous system back into balance by physically tapping on your body while enabling your brain to process whatever it is that you are working on. You're healing the body AND the mind at the same time, which is why it's so effective.


The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion or specific problem at hand. This could be an anxiety, negative belief, fear, phobia, grief, worry or any difficult emotion or situation that you want to work on. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you then use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body.


Identify the issue you want to work on

  • Rate the emotional intensity of the feeling on a scale of 0 - 10

  • Tap on your karate chop and repeat the statements...

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , I love and accept myself anyway"

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , that's ok, i'm human"

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , I love my body and I love my mind"

  • Then move around the points of the body using language connected to the issue (e.g "this anxiety, this tension in my body, it's exhausting, its holds me back..."

  • After two rounds take a deep breath (in through nose out through mouth) and rate the intensity of the emotion

  • Keep doing the rounds until your number has reduced. Use language that directly targets the problem and only move to positive affirmations when it has reduced.

If you’re interesting in doing tapping and would like a 1:1 session please get in touch xx




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It's totally normal to have days where your energy and mood feel a bit low. Tapping is an incredible tool for bringing your nervous system back into balance and overcoming any anxious negative thoughts that you might be having. This is the perfect way to give your mood the boost that it needs and it doesn't take long to do!

Watch this video to see how you can use tapping to reframe your negative thoughts and boost your mood.

For daily tips in how to nurture your wellbeing follow Happy Heads on Instagram:

To completely transform your wellbeing check out my:

Happy Heads Wellbeing Programme:

Happy Heads Burnout Programme:

Private Sessions:

Online Courses are a great way to work on your wellbeing from the comfort of your own home:

Sign up here to the Happy Heads Monthly Reset. Each 'reset' will give you the tools and techniques you need to help refresh your energy and transform your mind, enabling you to put your self care back on the priority list. You'll get a free meditation, video content, breathing techniques, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) and so much more!

Or get in touch I'd love to hear from you xx

#mentalhealth #wellbeing #happiness #anxietyrelief #selfbelief #tapping #eft #efttapping #happyheads #selfbelief #selfcare #selflove #wellnesscoach #wellbeingcoach #emotionalfreedomtechnique #innercritic #selfbelief #selfconfidence #confidence #happyheads #meditation #meditate #loveyourself #selflove #moodboost #moodbooster


Anxiety is completely normal and we all have our own personal triggers. Knowing how to bring your nervous system back into balance is the best way to empower yourself so that anxiety can't run the show anymore. Tapping is an incredible tool for nurturing your wellbeing. Watch this video to see how tapping can greatly reduce any anxiety you're experiencing today.

If you really want to give your mental health a reset and you’re looking for something longer term I have the brilliant Happy Heads Wellbeing Programme. It’s been designed to completely transform your wellbeing over the course of 6 weeks and includes:

  • 3 x 1-1 sessions (1.5hr each)

  • Process several big blocks in life that might be holding you back

  • Overcome your negative core beliefs and process past memories

  • Silence your inner critic and bring your nervous system back into balance

  • 2 x 20 min phone call check-ins to ensure you feel fully a supported

  • Several guided meditations to use across the 6 weeks

  • Tapping videos to follow

  • Daily practices to integrate into your own routine 

Just get in touch for a 20 minute FREE consultation xx

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Autumn Retreat Square.png

The Happy Heads Heads Autumn Retreat is only 9 days away now and is not something you want to miss! It’s been designed to help you transform your wellbeing after a mentally exhausting year and to make it easily manageable it's set across 4 weekends.
Each Sunday @3pm there will be a 1.5hr LIVE workshop that will help you delve deeper into what you really want and overcome any self doubt that may be holding you back. Every workshop includes insight into the brain and topic, breathing techniques, guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping).

Sun September 26th - Self Love & Set Intentions

Sun October 3rd - Overcome Negative Beliefs

Sun October 10th - Manifest the Life you Want

Sun October 17th - Step into your Power

After the workshops you’ll receive a support email that has all the key insights from what you learnt, a meditation recording for you to use and a weekly (easily doable) practice to help you integrate the tools and techniques into your day. Each one will be recorded so if you miss one you can always catch up.
It’s been designed to completely transform your wellbeing (mind, body & soul) but can also be done individually and you can choose the workshop you would like to attend. You can check out the wonderful testimonials from the last one in my previous post.
To book on follow the link HERE or get in touch xx
#transformation #wellbeing #mentalhealth #retreat #wellness #meditation #meditate #breathwork #breathe #breath #eft #tapping #emotionalintelligence #retreat #autumn #healing #transform #wellness #wellnesscoach #happyheads


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You may not necessarily be where you want to be but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate where you are right now. The problem with always looking forward to somewhere else is that you fail to appreciate the present moment - which is really all we ever have. Never put labels on where you are in life because all your focus ends up on that final ‘point’ but life is a continuous process. Practicing self compassion is vital for a good functioning mental health. If you fail to be kind to yourself you’ll miss all the small achievements, which are just as important as the bigger ones.
To practice Self Compassion every day, simply write down three things that you love about yourself or that you're grateful for. Even if it's the same each day, focus your mind on your POSITIVE qualities and achievements. Physically writing them down helps to train the mind, decreasing negative thinking and strengthening your neurological pathways. .

Life is hard and we’ve all had obstacles that we needed to navigate so be proud that you’ve come this far - believe in yourself and believe in your abilities .
Love this wonderful artist @lucialitman xx
#mentalhealth #selfcompassion #beproudofyourself #achievements #mentalfitness #selfcare #happyheads #meditation #meditate #wellbeing #wellness