

Worrying about money is one of the top anxieties for many people. Whether it’s the cost of living, worrying about paying the bills, stressing about finding work, struggling to get by each month, unable to save, trying to support your family or always feeling like you never have enough - you are not alone if you worry about money.

These stress levels can really impact your wellbeing and the problem is - you can’t stress your way out of a situation. Tapping is a great tool for reducing your stress levels and starting to change your relationship with money and the way you feel.


Self Love is a term that is often talked about but many people still struggle with it. How do you cultivate self love if you've been speaking negatively to yourself for a long time?

This is where tapping is hugely powerful because it helps you to literally change the way you think - transforming your inner narrative from self criticism to self compassion and loving kindness.

  • Do you struggle to speak kindly to yourself?

  • Do you you find it hard to give yourself a compliment?

  • Do you often want to reject the term ‘I love myself?

  • Do you struggle to be compassionate to yourself?

  • Do you find it hard to say words of loving kindness to yourself?

  • Are you often self depricating?

If you answered YES to any of the above then this tapping process is exactly what you need right now! Watch the video above to boost your self love and kick start the path to thinking differently.

For 1:1 support please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you xx


“Hold the hand of the child that lives in your soul. For this child, nothing is impossible.”

~Paulo Coelho

Your childhood forms the foundation of your mental health. It creates a blueprint for who you believe you are and how you see the world around you. Some memories will be positive and some will be difficult and challenging. Your inner child is that part of you that for whatever reason maybe didn’t have their needs met as a child.

When we have a strong emotional reaction to something we’re reacting to the present moment because of our past and it’s often your inner child that’s been triggered.

For example, let’s say your boss criticises you for a project you worked really hard on and you feel flooded with emotion - this may be triggering your inner child and your limiting belief ‘I’m not good enough’.

You may be able to access some core memories to help understand your emotional reactions but most will be completely unconscious.

“Your “inner child” is a part of your subconscious that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future”

No parent is perfect, even the most loving parents make mistakes and of course childhood can be tough in many ways. Nurturing your inner child is a powerful way to bring inner peace to your internal world and give your mental health the boost it needs.

Tapping is a great place to start. Watch the video above to start the healing process.


In a world where we can compare ourselves to others 24/7 it's so easy to speak negatively about your body if it doesn't fit with what you're seeing on the news, in magazines or on social media. Body positivity doesn't always come easy but it's a powerful way to boost your self belief and love your body exactly the way that it is.

Body positivity is less about what you look like and more about how you feel. When you’re mental health is in a good place you can literally view your body in a different way. I want to share a short story with you…

Around 8 years ago my self esteem was really low. I was in the middle of complete burnout in a very toxic workplace and my mental health had taken a sharp and terrifying decline. I had a wedding to go to and tried on a low cut dress. When I looked in the mirror I hated what I saw. I thought the dress made my boobs look tiny, I felt completely unconfident and couldn't imagine ever wearing it.

A year later when I had overcome burnout and transformed my mental health I had another wedding to go to. I got out THE SAME dress and put it on. What I saw was something completely different. Instead of hating what I saw, I liked it. I saw a dress that flattered by body, thought my boobs looked great and felt really confident.

My size and body shape hadn't changed....my mind had! I had been working so much on my mental health that my self esteem and self love had grown - I now viewed my body in a very different way.

I've now had two babies and my body has gone through SO many changes but I love it now more than ever. I appreciate my body for all that it does for me and make a conscious effort to speak kindly to it and myself.

I also now have the BIG responsibility to actively practice self love in front of my children because kids copy behaviour. It's no good me telling my children to love themselves but then speaking negatively about my body in front of them. They won't learn to love themselves that way - in fact the opposite will be true.

My children know that mummy loves her body and that they should love theirs - that is what body positivity is. Loving your body for all that it is and all that it does. Honouring that some days may be difficult and making a conscious effort every day to speak kindly to yourself - especially when little eyes are watching your every move.

Watch this video to see how tapping can help you honour your emotions and start to reframe the way you view your body.


"A manifestation is something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings and beliefs" Law of Attraction

Without consciously realising - we are always manifesting. Every thought you have creates an energy flow within and around your physical being. This energy attracts its likeness. So if you’re thinking “I’m not good enough” then your energy may start to reflect that and it will be harder to attract positive experiences that align to your authentic self.

The opposite experience occurs when you think high-level thoughts like 'I AM good enough’. Your energy will start to exude confidence and positivity and in turn will attract better experiences into your life. Every thought you have informs your energy, and your energy manifests into your experiences so to put it simply - your thoughts and energy create your reality.

Here is the four step process to follow when you manifest your dreams:

Step 1. Let Go Of Resistance

Before you can think about manifesting your dreams, you first need to let go of resistence and self doubt that might be holding you back. These are the limiting, negative beliefs that your brain defaults to when you even begin to think about what you want from your life

Step 2. Set A Goal

The next step is to actually set a goal. What are your biggest dream? What truly makes you happy? It’s much harder to get to a destination if you don’t know where you want to go. If you don’t yet know what you want from your life then think about how you want to FEEL - calm, happy, grounded, confident, empowered…. this is equally as important and can often inform you of your dreams.

Step 3. Learn To Attract Deliberately

You have set your destination, now you have to get there.

You have set your intention and know what you want from the universe, so now you must take action to ensure that your dream is manifested into a reality. If you set your goal and then put it to the back of your mind, it will never become a reality. Remember, you are what you give your attention to. Therefore, you should try to fuel your dream with as much positive attention as possible.

Here are some of the best ways to fuel your dream with positive attention;

  • Speak about it

  • Dream about it

  • Talk about it

  • Think about it

  • Create a dream board

  • Use visualisation

  • Use affirmations

  • Feel good about it!

Fill your mind with thoughts of you living out your dreams and feel excited about it. This should immediately heighten your positive energy and emit a frequency to the universe that you will want it to match.

Step 4 – Act ‘As If’

When you act, speak, think and feel ‘as if’ you are already living your dreams. The Law Of Attraction can work to match all of the positivity that you are emitting and provide you with more of the same.

For many, acting ‘as if’ can be a great cause of internal conflict. After all, you are acting ‘as if’ you are rich/successful/healthy/happy when your reality may suggest completely otherwise. However, it is important to try and avoid this inner conflict at all costs. Your task is to feel as good as though you are already living your dreams.

So, begin to believe more and allow yourself to feel good knowing that your dreams are already on their way.

Finally – dream big! The bigger your dreams, the more beautiful your reality can become.

Tapping is a powerful tool at helping you manifest the life you want because it enables you to do a number of things:

  • Identify what your dreams actually are

  • Begin to shift your internal narrative about the dream

  • Overcome any self doubt that will be holding you back from manifesting

  • Release negative energy in your nervous system that might block your dream

  • Put it out into the universe with powerful, spoken affirmations like I AM SUCCESSFUL , I AM HAPPY

Watch the video above to see how you can use tapping to manifest your dreams.



“The happy heads retreat was the perfect reset button for me. The retreat was a brilliant combination of self help tricks, reflection and goal setting. Kim is a truly wonderful facilitator who draws on her own experiences and struggles to help her clients rationalise and work trough theirs. I would highly reccomend this retreat to anyone, those with specific areas they want to work on, or those who want to book in and just get a life MOT, it’s a fantastic course I would love to do all over again." Liz

Only 5 days until the Happy Heads Wellbeing Retreat begins! It's been specifically designed to help you transform your mental and physical wellbeing enabling you to kick start 2023 feeling calm, grounded and empowered.

"I got so much from the retreat with Kim. I learned some really effective ways to control my demons and make the day-to-day more manageable. And the guided meditations gave me a beautiful introduction to the practice. Kim has the most open, comfortable and kind presence - it was a real joy. Would highly recommend."


To make it easily manageable the retreat is set across 4 lunch time sessions.

Each Wednesday @12pm there will be a 1.5hr LIVE online workshop that will help you delve deeper into what you really want from the year ahead and overcome any self doubt that may be holding you back. Every workshop includes insight into the brain and topic, breathing techniques, guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping).

4th January - Self Love & Set Intentions

11th January - Overcome Negative Beliefs

18th January - Manifest the Life you Want 

25th January - Step into your Power

"The Happy Head’s retreat came at the best time possible for me. The retreat provided the perfect pause for reflection.I would definitely recommend."


After the workshops you’ll receive a support email that has all the key insights from what you learnt, a meditation recording for you to use, tapping videos to follow and a weekly (easily doable) practice to help you integrate the tools and techniques into your day. Each one will be recorded so if you miss one you can always catch up.

"That was AMAZING Kim thank you. I cried the whole way through it!"


It’s been designed to completely reset your mind, body & soul. Spaces are limited, to book on click the link below or you can get in touch kim@happyheads.me.

The whole retreat is £110, spaces are limited don’t miss out!I can't wait to see you all.

Big Love xx

“I have just finished the Happy Heads Retreat and really cannot recommend it highly enough. As someone with a chronic neurological condition I have suffered with worry, self-doubt and anxiety most of my adult life. Kim delivers the sessions in a very calm and gentle manner and she has such a reassuring way about her which really helped me to believe I could achieve what I wanted to. The retreat left me feeling truly empowered. If you want to make a change in your life then I urge you to try it for yourself."




This is what depression looks like. This is a picture of my lovely dad, looking very happy, not too long before he killed himself. That's the problem with depression you can't always tell from the outside when people are suffering and people can wear their 'i'm ok' masks very well.
Anyone that takes their own life is ultimately struggling deeply with their mental health and most likely very depressed. Of course the route courses for each individual are completely different but this is why people reach a point where they find life too unbearable to live.
I WISH my dad had felt that it was ok to talk and realised that you CAN transform your mental health but you need to start looking after your brain and process the things that you're struggling with. Some people say that suicide is selfish and quite honestly trying to tell a 7 year old who felt abandoned by her father that it's not selfish would have been a very difficult task.
It was only when I lost my own mental health to burnout that I truly realised what it felt like to be depressed and realised that it's so much more complex. In that moment my dad felt like he couldn't go on any more, it wasn't selfish and I was able to forgive him.
So if you're struggling right now please remember that you 100% can improve your mental health, it just takes some loving care and there are people available right now to help you on your journey. Contact samaritans on: 116 113
If you're worried about someone then NOW is the time to reach out and check in. It's easy to isolate yourself when you're struggling so be the person that they need today. My dad is a driving force behind why I teach - no one should ever feel like life is no longer worth living.
#mentalhealth #wellbeing #suicide #suicideprevention #suicideawarness #suicideawarenessmonth #depression #mind #meditation #meditate #happyheads #itsoktonotbeok #itsokaytonotbeokay #reachout