Anxiety Support


Befriend Your Inner Critic - YouTube LIVE

We all have an inner critic that can be really mean and nasty, filling us with self doubt and negative thoughts. When you give this critic too much air time you start to genuinely believe the lies that it tells you, which has a big impact on your mental health and wellbeing. The most powerful antidote for the inner critic, is self compassion.

Try this 5 Minute Tapping meditation to befriend your inner critic and show yourself loving kindness.

If you would like more support befriending your inner critic then join me on my Happy Heads YouTube LIVE on Wednesday 12th March at 12pm GMT.

I can’t wait to see you all there.

Big Love

Kim x

These 10 days will change your life...

Life isn't always easy. In fact, for most people, it involves a lot of stress and struggle on a daily basis (and it may for you as well).

With finances, work, health, relationships, and a lot more. Most people are dealing with more stress, anxiety and overwhelm than they realise.

This is why I want to share what is probably the most transformational free online event that exists, that teaches one of most effective techniques for creating change, EFT, otherwise known as Tapping, with 10 days of free presentations. It's the 17th Annual Tapping World Summit!

This online event is amazing and a must watch. Click below to register and find out more.

This isn't just an informational event, it's an experience. Attendees don't just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better.

They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions. They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.They leave having cleared childhood traumas.

They leave the event better than when they went in. And you, yes YOU... will leave this event better than when you enter it.

Over 3 million people have attended this online event and last year I had the absolute privilege of being part of it talking about how to nurture your inner child.

Go here to learn more and get access to this free online event. I personally can’t wait!

Big Love

Kim xx

Happy Heads YouTube Live Sessions

Hi Lovely People,

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful start to the year. I wanted to share some exciting news with you guys and also ask for your support.

I’m going to start doing lunchtime Happy Heads YouTube Live sessions every Wednesday at 12pm and the first one is 26th February.

They’ll be 30 minutes long so perfect to fit into your lunch break and will include lots of tapping, breathwork, meditation, visualisation and more. They are totally FREE and if you enjoy the session you can donate but it’s completely up to you and not compulsory in any way.

Each session will cover a different mental health topic and this is where I would really love your input. What would YOU like to tap on? Is there anything you’re struggling with? Is there a topic you would particularly like me to cover? Is there anything about tapping you’d like to know more about? Anything about meditation you’ve always wanted to know? All questions, topics and ideas are welcome!

Please email any ideas or requests to I would love to hear from you.

Put Weds 26th Feb at 12pm in your diary and then simply click onto the Happy Heads YouTube channel page and you’ll see the live session. Or if you subscribe to the channel, click ‘notification’ and it will give you gentle reminder.

I can’t wait to see you all LIVE!

Big Love
Kim xx


Keynote Speaker

For 10 years now, I have regularly been doing talks and running workshops in companies such as Warner Music, Soho House, Facebook, Stella McCartney and at live events, discussing a wide range of mental health and wellbeing topics.

I combine a wealth of personal and professional experience to create tailored talks that support everyone’s unique brain - helping people to reduce anxiety, prevent burnout, increase confidence, nurture their inner child, improve focus, overcome limiting beliefs, improve sleep, reduce stress, process grief and so much more.

My life’s passion is talking about the human mind and what we can do to look after it so if you’re looking to add a mental health speaker to your event, Happy Heads would make a great addition.

Mental Health Topics

The talks and presentations I give cover a wide variety of Mental Health topics including:

* Prevent Burnout 

* Befriend Your Inner Critic 

* Reduce Stress & Anxiety

* Manifest The Life You Want

* Emotional Resilience

* Calm Your Nervous System 

* Improve Sleep

* Overcome Limiting Beliefs

* Improve Your Focus 

* Resilience Toolkit 

* Grief Support

* Living with Grief

* Refresh Your Energy

* Nurture Your Inner Child

I also specialises in teaching children and families so as well as being a mum of two, supporting parents (especially working mums) is something that I’m really passionate about.

The topics I cover include:

* Parent & Child Wellbeing

* Child Mental Health

* The Importance of Childhood

* Teen Wellbeing

* Teaching Children Meditation 

* Mindful Parenting    

* Parental Burnout

* Supporting Mums in the Workplace

* Pregnancy Birth & Beyond

* Navigating Postpartum

Life doesn’t need to be overwhelming - it’s time to make your head happy again!

To book please get in touch I would love to hear from you or you can complete the form below xx


Worrying about money is one of the top anxieties for many people. Whether it’s the cost of living, worrying about paying the bills, stressing about finding work, struggling to get by each month, unable to save, trying to support your family or always feeling like you never have enough - you are not alone if you worry about money.

These stress levels can really impact your wellbeing and the problem is - you can’t stress your way out of a situation. Tapping is a great tool for reducing your stress levels and starting to change your relationship with money and the way you feel.



I’m really excited to announce my FIRST EVER Women’s Retreat. It's been specifically designed for women to help you transform your mental and physical wellbeing enabling you to kick start 2025 feeling like the best version of yourself.

To make it easily manageable the retreat is set across 4 x 1hr lunch time sessions and its all online so can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Each Wednesday @12pm there will be a 1 hr LIVE workshop that will help you delve deeper into what you really want from the year ahead and overcome any self doubt that may be holding you back. Every workshop includes insight into your brain and topic, breathing techniques, guided meditation, Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) and so much more.

8th January - Self Love & Set Intentions

15th January - Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

22nd January - Manifest the Life you Want 

29th January - Step Into Your Power

After the workshops you’ll receive a support email that has all the key insights from what you learnt, a meditation recording for you to use, tapping videos to follow and a weekly (easily doable) practice to help you integrate the tools and techniques into your day. Each one will be recorded so if you miss one you can always catch up.

It’s been designed to completely reset your mind, body & soul. The whole retreat is only £95, spaces are limited so don’t miss out. To book please get in touch x.


The festive season can feel exhausting. There’s never ending festive get togethers, Christmas parties, presents to buy, worries about money, pressure to ‘get it right’, busy work schedules trying to get everything done before the 24th, anxieties about spending time with family, never ending parenting juggles, grief feels bigger around this time - no wonder so many people start to feel burnt out.

That’s why I wanted to give you guys a FULL festive wellbeing package so that you can nourish yourself throughout the whole of December and start 2025 feeling refreshed and not frazzled.

This monthly reset is called Festive Wellbeing Package and includes tapping videos on:

* Festive Burnout
* Money Worries
* Festive Overwhelm
* Family Stress at Christmas
* Grief during the festive period

You get top tips and how to prioritise your self care and prevent festive burnout PLUS you get loads of guided meditations:

* Chakra Cleanse
* Reduce Stress Daily
* Walking Meditation
* Sleep Meditation
* Loving Kindness
* Calm Your Body - Body Scan

It’s all totally FREE just click HERE to sign up.

Merry Christmas to my lovely Happy Heads family, thank you for following me xx


Are you a people pleaser?

If you’re not sure whether you’re a people pleaser or not, answer the following questions and see how many you answer YES to.

  • Do you always put the needs of others ahead of your own?

  • Do you worry about what other people think?

  • Do you struggle to make decisions

  • Do you struggle to say no?

  • Do you find it hard to set boundaries?

  • Do you often adapt who you are to please others?

  • Do you avoid disagreeing with people or voicing your honest opinion?

  • Do you go along with things they you’re not happy about to avoid conflict?

  • Do you feel pressure to be friendly, nice, or cheerful at all times?

  • Do you feel anxious at the thought of standing up for yourself?

  • Do you feel people often take advantage of you?

A “people pleaser” personality means a person feels a strong urge to please others, even at their own expense. They may feel that their wants and needs do not matter or alter their personality around others.

Where does ‘people pleasing’ come from?

People pleasing is actually a highly adaptive way for a child to survive their childhood. For various different reasons the technique of ‘pleasing’ a parent or caregiver ensures the child gets their core needs met (food, love, affection, connection) or in more traumatic situations it might help limit pain and abuse. 

Carried into adulthood, people pleasing can actually be really damaging to your mental health and wellbeing.

Constantly putting the needs of others before your own, overthinking and assessing how other people feel or think is hugely draining for your nervous system for a number of reasons:

  • We can’t ever know what someone is thinking - it’s a wasted energy!

  • Overthinking creates anxiety and can put your nervous system into high alert

  • Ignoring your own needs increases stress levels

  • Putting your self worth in other peoples hands is like giving your power away

  • It makes it difficult to make decisions for yourself 

  • Constant external validation cultivates self doubt and low self worth 

Tapping is a great way to start reclaiming your power! Try this process now and rebuild your self worth once again.

For more support please get in touch I would love to help xx



“Hold the hand of the child that lives in your soul. For this child, nothing is impossible.” Paulo Coelho

Your childhood forms the foundation of your mental health. It creates a blueprint for who you believe you are and how you see the world around you. Some memories will be positive and some will be difficult and challenging.

What is the Inner Child?

Your inner child is that part of you that for whatever reason maybe didn’t have their needs met as a child.

When we have a strong emotional reaction to something we’re reacting to the present moment because of our past and it’s often your inner child that’s been triggered.

For example, let’s say your boss criticises you for a project you worked really hard on and you feel flooded with emotion - this may be triggering your inner child and your limiting belief ‘I’m not good enough’.

You may be able to access some core memories to help understand your emotional reactions but most will be completely unconscious.

“Your “inner child” is a part of your subconscious that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future”

No parent is perfect, even the most loving parents make mistakes and of course childhood can be tough in many ways. Nurturing your inner child is a powerful way to bring inner peace to your internal world and give your mental health the boost it needs.

Tapping is a great place to start. Watch the video above to start the healing process.


"By reparenting our Inner Child, we can release and heal the pain from the past" Margaret Paul

If you’re not sure what your inner child is feeling today, follow this process:

Step 1: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then visualise yourself as a little child sat in front of you. Notice what they're wearing, and what they look like.

Step 2: Ask that little child how they're feeling today and notice what they say.

Step 3: Open your eyes and in your dominant hand write down the question - how are you feeling today?

Step 4: Put the pen in your non dominant hand and write the answer. Notice what comes up.

Step 5: Put the pen back into your dominant hand and write down these words - I am here for you now, you are safe, you are loved.

If you're still not sure what your inner child is feeling you can gently ask yourself these questions.

* Did I feel heard as a child? Did I feel like my parents / caregivers listening to what I had to say? Or did I feel dismissed?

* As a child did I feel seen? Or did I feel ignored?

* Were my emotions always validated? Or was I shamed for expressing how I felt?

* Was it ok to be sad, angry, scared, frustrated.... as a child? Was it safe to express my emotions?

* Did I feel safe as a child? (Emotionally and physically)

* Did I feel loved by my parents?

* Was the love unconditional or was it based on outside factors? (e.g achievements or things I did?)

* Did I feel like I had to prove my worth? (with grades, achievements, being a good girl/ boy, acting a certain way, behaving in a certain manner)

* Was I ever made to feel like I wasn’t good enough?

* Did I ever feel abandoned?

* Did I ever feel shamed, criticised or judged?

* Was I ever hurt (emotionally and physically)?

Or you can try listening to the Inner Child Guided Meditation Below


Speaking directly to your inner child through meditation, journalling, tapping or any other means is a powerful way to make them feel seen, heard and validated. What do they need to hear today?

  • I hear you

  • I see you

  • All of your emotions are valid

  • You are safe

  • Your are loved

  • You are loving

  • You are loveable

  • You are enough just the way you are

  • You are XXX (use the affirmation that is the opposite of your limiting belief e.g good enough, beautiful, wonderful, clever, strong, funny, kind, whole, good, talented, loved...)

  • I am here for you now, you are never alone

  • You don't need to be perfect you are human

  • It’s ok to make mistakes

Inner Child Support

For more support nurturing your Inner Child please get in touch and check out my Nurture Your Inner Child Programme I would love to hear from you.

You can also download the Tapping Solution App where I have a 4 Day Inner Child Healing Series. It’s the perfect opportunity to help you reconnect to your inner child. It will enable you to communicate with them, hear what they have to say, gain insight into their limiting beliefs and deeply nourish them in the process. Your inner child really does hold the key to reducing anxiety, overcoming your limiting beliefs, releasing self doubt, overcoming fear and so much more.


Grief is one of the hardest things any human can endure and that is because it never really leaves you BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t also lead a very happy and full life. Understanding how to process the waves of grief when they arise is a wonderful way to turn grief into your super power.

In this Monthly Reset called Processing Grief you’ll get:

* Insight into how grief can manifest both mentally and physically
* Tapping video to help you process your grief
* Tips for processing grief whenever the waves arise
* Tapping video to help you process anger (a common emotion connected to grief)
* Tapping video to help you reduce anxiety (another common emotion connected to grief)
* Guided meditation called Wise Words that will help you reconnect with the loves one you’ve lost

It’s all totally FREE just sign up HERE. I never spam people you will just get the monthly reset and the occasional tapping video.

For more support please get in touch xx

#grief #griefjourney #griefsupport #tappingongrief #tappingforgrief #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawarenes #mentalhealthmatters #emotionalfreedomtechnique #eft #efttapping #tapping #meditation #meditate #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #grieving #loss #bereavement


Do you feel anxious in social situations?

If you do, then you’re not alone. Social anxiety is really normal, especially post pandemic. We were isolated from people for a long time and your nervous system would have adapted to that change so it’s understandable that people are still adjusting to social interactions. In small doses a bit of anxiety is no bad thing at all but what you don’t want, is for it to build and feel overwhelming to the point that you then start to avoid social situations because our brains NEED human connection.

Human brains are wired to connect with others, and this need is as fundamental as the need for food or shelter.

The human brain is wired to thrive in social environments. Our brains have specialised areas dedicated to processing social interactions, emotions, and empathy. When we engage in social connections, these brain regions are activated, leading to the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like oxytocin and dopamine, which contribute to positive emotions and wellbeing.

Whatever your fear is of social situations, try this tapping process now to calm your nerves and rebuild your confidence once again. Your brain will love you for it!

For more support please get in touch I would love to help xx


We live in such a busy world, where people feel like they need to be switched on 24/7 so it’s no surprise that more people are feeling burnt out than ever. Anytime you feel stressed or anxious your nervous system goes into high alert. In short doses this is fine but when you’re being continually triggered with choric stress (which is what Burnout is) your nervous system can’t cope and your brain quite literally can’t function properly.

Are you feeling burnt out today?

Tapping is the perfect way to quickly bring your frazzled nervous system back into balance and prevent full burnout. It doesn’t take long to take yourself out of that fight / flight response so take 5 minutes now and see how you feel.

For more support please get in touch or check out the Happy Heads Burnout Programme I would love to hear from you xx

Would you like Happy Heads in your Workplace?

After suffering complete burnout 8 years ago now I was forced to find ways to transform my mind. Meditation and Tapping helped me to do exactly that and overcoming burnout was actually one of the reasons I started Happy Heads. It’s also why I’m so passionate about teaching in companies because I know how stressful corporate life can be.

The workshopsand talks I run cover a wide variety of topics including:

* Prevent Burnout 

* Befriend Your Inner Critic 

* Reduce Stress & Anxiety

* Manifest The Life You Want

* Emotional Resilience

* Calm Your Nervous System 

* Improve Sleep

* Overcome Limiting Beliefs

* Leadership Team Support (various topics)

* Improve Focus 

* Resilience Toolkit 

* Grief Support 

* Pregnancy Birth & Beyond

* Refresh Your Energy

I specialise in teaching children and families so as well as being a mum of two, supporting parents (especially working mums) is something that I’m really passionate about.

The workshops I run cover:

* Parent & Child Wellbeing

* Teen Wellness 

* Teaching Children Meditation 

* Mindful Parenting    

There are many company testimonials you can check out HERE.

If you are interested in adding some wellbeing into your workplace please get in touch xx


Happy Heads Monthly Reset - Now Live!

A limiting belief is an UNTRUE belief of yourself that you believe is TRUE. It’s the negative chatter you find your brain defaulting to when you’re feeling exhausted, anxious, burnt out, overwhelmed, stressed or wanting to do something that feels out of your comfort zone.

Whether it’s I’m not good enough, I will fail, I never get it right, I’m not beautiful, I don’t deserve success, my voice isn’t important, I’m not clever….these are limiting beliefs that quite literally hold you back from being who you want to be in life.

The next Happy Heads Monthly Reset is now LIVE and is all about how you can overcome your limiting beliefs. In it you’ll get:

* Insight into what limiting beliefs are and where they come from
* Top tips on how to rewire your brain to think differently
* Tapping Process to overcome your limiting beliefs
* Loving Kindness meditation to rebuild your self compassion
* Chakra cleanse meditation to calm both body and mind

Click the link HERE to sign up now, it’s totally FREE and I don’t spam peole xx

#monthlyreset #limitingbeliefs #selfdoubt #mindset #negativebeliefs #positivethinking #positivity #tapping #efttapping #eft #innercritic #selfbelief #meditation #meditate #confidence #innernarrative #thinkdifferently #happyheads #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawarenes #anxiety #anxietysupport


Your childhood forms the foundation of your mental health because it’s when your brain and nervous system are still very much developing. Everything that happens to you in this time forms an internal blueprint for who you believe you are and how you see the world around you. It’s the time when your nervous system learns how to adapt to stress and when your strongest limiting beliefs are formed.

This is why your ‘inner child’ is so important. When we have big reactions to things it’s often our wounded inner child that has been triggered and it’s happening without us even realising.

Your “inner child” is a part of your subconsious that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future.

We all have an inner child inside of us, that for whatever reason, maybe didn’t have their needs met. It’s such an important part of who you are and doesn't take long to tune in to them and make them feel loved.

Try this short tapping process now to nurture your inner child and see how much calmer you feel.

For more support please get in touch or check out the Happy Heads Nurture Your Inner Child Programme xx


Anxiety is a completely normal human emotion that everyone experiences to varying degrees. If we didn’t have it we would all be lemmings walking into the road, so anxiety quite literally keeps us safe.

The problem is, our amygdala (brains fear response) doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined threat. This is why you can feel anxious speaking in public, going on a date, new social situations, thinking about a future event, making new friends, getting on a busy bus….none of these are REAL threats to your life but your amygdala still thinks you’re about to get eaten by a sober toothed tiger.

Tapping is the perfect way to face it head on, which is the quickest way to reduce anxiety and bring stillness to your body and mind. The physical tapping sends a calming signal directly to your amygdala and reminds your nervous system that you are in fact SAFE.

Are you feeling anxious right now? Try this quick 3 minute tapping process and see how you feel.

For more support please get in touch I would love to help xx


The postpartum haze is really tough. Your brain has just gone through more changes than at any other time in your life, your body has just birthed your baby and you are permanently sleep deprived. That’s a lot for any new mum to go through!

Tapping really helped me navigate the postpartum phase with both my babies so try this short process now and see how it makes you feel. Mumma - I see you, and I totally feel you - you are doing great!

For more support please get in touch I would love to help xx


Do you have a fear of flying?

The fear of flying affects many people but the route cause will often vary. It could be the fear of not being in control, the fear of feeling trapped, the fear of something bad happening, the fear of being surrounded by people, the anxiety will be different for each person.

Aerophobia is a type of specific phobia that involves a fear of flying or air travel. While statistics suggest that air travel is actually safer than traveling by other means including car and train, flying remains a common source of fear.

Anytime you experience fear or anxiety your nervous system goes into the ancient fight / flight response, which means you go into high alert. Tapping is the perfect way to engage your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relaxation) and the words you say out loud help you process your fear.

With tapping we always face our challenge head on because when we say out loud how we are genuinely feeling it’s the most affective way for your brain to process your emotions. If there is anything else that lies behind your fear then bring that language into your tapping script.

When you are actually on the plane you can simply tap on your points and breathe, alternating your breath and repeating the affirmation ‘I AM SAFE’.

Inner eyebrow - Inhale

Outer eyebrow - Exhale

Under the eye - Inhale

Under the nose - Exhale

Under the mouth - Inhale

Chest - Exhale

Under the Arm - Inhale

Top of the head - Exhale

Try this tapping process above to help you reduce your fear of flying and for a shorter tapping process you can try this HERE.

Collarbone Breathing is also another great technique for reducing anxiety and can easily be done while sat on a plane.

Would you like to overcome your fear of flying?

For more support overcoming the fear please get in touch I would love to help xx



"A state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation" World Health Organisation

Stress is a normal part of being a human being, it's a natural response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. The problem is we live in such a fast paced digital world where people feel like they need to be switched on 24/7 so there are many things that can stress us out.

Endless access to world news, social media, busy jobs, the cost of living, parenting juggles, mobile phones, and the general day to day stress of's easy to see how a normal amount of stress can quickly lead into chronic stress.

Stress can be brief, situational, and a positive force motivating performance, but if experienced over an extended period of time it can become chronic stress, which negatively impacts health and well-being.


Anytime you feel stressed your amygdala (brains fear response that contributes to emotional processing) sends out a distress signal to your hypothalamus, which is like a mini control centre in your brain. Your hypothalamus then starts to send out stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine) which then trigger the ancient fight or flight response. Your nervous system then gets your body gets ready for the perceived threat - muscles tense, heart rate quickens, breathing speeds up, digestive system slows down.

This response was designed to protect your body in an emergency by preparing you to react quickly. But when the stress response keeps firing, day after day, it could put your health at serious risk.


Short doses of the stress response are ok as your nervous system has the time to go back to a place of rest and relaxation but when you're body is in a constant state of high alert the long term exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can negatively impact nearly all of your body's process's.

This puts you at higher risk of many health problems, including:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Digestive problems

  • Headaches

  • Muscle tension and pain

  • Heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke.

  • Sleep problems

  • Weight gain

  • Problems with memory and focus


Managing your stress levels is an essential way to look after both your mental and physical health but it's important to remember that life doesn't have to be completely free of stress for you to be able to effectively regulate your nervous system. We can't control what life throws at us, but you can control how you react.


Tapping is a wonderful way to bring your nervous system back into balance anytime you feel stressed, try this 10 Min tapping sequence above and notice how it makes you feel with no judgement.

Pepare your Nervous System

The start of the day is really important to get your nervous system ready for the day. Set an alarm (something calming like a bird sound) to wake you up 10 mins earlier and do something that calms your mind. That could be a listening to a meditation, doing some tapping, some breathwork or moving your body like a short yoga sequence. If you’re a mum like me then THIS is how you can meditate in the morning.

Regulate your breathing

Take time throughout the day to bring your breath down into your belly. This is the best way to engage your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relaxation) and THIS is how you do it:

Be mindful of how you use your phone

Mobile phones can be a big cause of stress and anxiety so be really mindful about how you use your phone throughout the day. Reduce the amount of time you spend on social media, stop reading the news, silence your notifications, don't feel like you need to reply to endless Whatsapp messages, never look at your phone first thing in the morning and last thing at night and physically put your phone away when you are doing another task or sat at the dinner table.

Create a sleep ritual

The end of the day is an important time to signal to your brain - it's time to switch off. Get off any screens at least 1 hour before bed and do something that calms your mind like tapping, meditation, hot bath, journalling, calming smells… When you improve your sleep, it's much easier to regulate your emotions (and stress response) the next day.

Regularly do these three things:
Release jaw, soften hands, relax shoulders.

Listen to this meditation to deeply anchor your mind in the present momet, reduce your stress levels and create a bubble of protection around yourself.


The fear of public speaking is something that many people struggle with so if it fills you with anxiety then you are not alone. I used to have a chronic fear of speaking in public until I discovered tapping, which is lucky as I now teach and talk in front of big groups regularly!

Contrary to what your brain might think, you don't need to completely eradicate the fear because it's a normal part of speaking in public BUT you don't want fear to ever hold you back from also feeling calm and grounded when you do.

Tapping is the perfect way to reduce your fear and start to rewire your mind to think differently. The affirmation I AM EXCITED is a great way to actually trick your mind because the feeling of anxiety is physiologically almost the same as the feeling of excitement (racing heart, palms sweaty, butterflies in stomach…).I have used this many times before running workshops to big audiences and it always helps me calm my mind,

Another great way to overcome the fear of public speaking is identify what lies behind your fear. So for me it wasn’t the public speaking itself it was the fear of saying something wrong and the fear of being judged. Once I worked on those limiting beliefs and processed their core route memories - my confidence was transformed.

If you would like to explore your fear of public speaking more deeply then please do get in touch I would love to help.

I hope you enjoy this one, I know you can do it, let me know how it goes :)

Big Love

Kim x


The start of your day is a REALLY important time for your mind. It can make the difference between having a good or bad day. When you set your brain up right you'll be much better equipped to deal with what the day might throw at you. Never look at your phone first thing in the morning it’s like giving your mental health and power away, instead do something that calms and soothes both body and mind.

This 3 minute Tapping Process won't take long at all but will be having a BIG impact on your nervous system - the perfect way to start the day!