Worrying about money is one of the top anxieties for many people. Whether it’s the cost of living, worrying about paying the bills, stressing about finding work, struggling to get by each month, unable to save, trying to support your family or always feeling like you never have enough - you are not alone if you worry about money.

These stress levels can really impact your wellbeing and the problem is - you can’t stress your way out of a situation. Tapping is a great tool for reducing your stress levels and starting to change your relationship with money and the way you feel.


Anxiety is a completely normal human emotion that everyone experiences to varying degrees. If we didn’t have it we would all be lemmings walking into the road, so anxiety quite literally keeps us safe.

The problem is, our amygdala (brains fear response) doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined threat. This is why you can feel anxious speaking in public, going on a date, new social situations, thinking about a future event, making new friends, getting on a busy bus….none of these are REAL threats to your life but your amygdala still thinks you’re about to get eaten by a sober toothed tiger.

Tapping is the perfect way to face it head on, which is the quickest way to reduce anxiety and bring stillness to your body and mind. The physical tapping sends a calming signal directly to your amygdala and reminds your nervous system that you are in fact SAFE.

Are you feeling anxious right now? Try this quick 3 minute tapping process and see how you feel.

For more support please get in touch I would love to help xx



"A state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation" World Health Organisation

Stress is a normal part of being a human being, it's a natural response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. The problem is we live in such a fast paced digital world where people feel like they need to be switched on 24/7 so there are many things that can stress us out.

Endless access to world news, social media, busy jobs, the cost of living, parenting juggles, mobile phones, and the general day to day stress of's easy to see how a normal amount of stress can quickly lead into chronic stress.


Managing your stress levels is an essential way to look after both your mental and physical health but it's important to remember that life doesn't have to be completely free of stress for you to be able to effectively regulate your nervous system. We can't control what life throws at us, but you can control how you react.

Tapping to Reduce Stress

Tapping is a wonderful way to bring your nervous system back into balance anytime you feel stressed, try this 10 Min tapping sequence above and notice how it makes you feel with no judgement.

For more support reducing your stress levels please get in touch I would love to hear from you xx


Collarbone breathing is a great way to quickly reduce stress and anxiety. You're working specifically with the collarbone point (chest area) which is a common place that most people experience their stress and anxiety. It also has a very specific breathing technique that helps to deepen your breathing and focus your mind on the present moment.

If you’re interested in private sessions and 1:1 coaching please get int touch I would love to hear from you and always offer a FREE 20 min consultation call xx



"A state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion, caused by prolonged and excessive stress" 

Burnout is a very real and very scary thing to experience. I had it myself over 7 years ago now and in the space of 6 months in the toxic work environment I was in, I completely lost my mental health to the point I had severe anxiety which lead into depression. Overcoming burnout and learning how to nurture my mental health and wellbeing was one of the main reasons I retrained as a Tapping Practitioner, Meditation Teacher and started Happy Heads.

Anytime you feel stressed or anxious your amygdala (brains fear response) has been triggered and your nervous system goes into high alert (also known as the fight and flight response). Your body fills with cortisol which is the stress hormone, adrenalin races through your body, your digestive system slows down, heart races, muscles tense and your thinking brain goes off line - your body is primed to fight what it perceives as a threat.

In short doses being triggered in this way is fine as you quickly come back into rest and relaxation but when you are being triggered constantly (which is easily done in a stressful work environment) your body is flooded with too much cortisol, which has a damaging effect on your nervous system. This creates anxiety, which can then lead into severe anxiety and that can easily lead into depression. Ultimately your nervous system becomes completely frazzled and  your brain can't function properly.

Watch the video above to see how you can use tapping to process your burnout and bring some much needed calm to your over worked nervous system. No matter where you are in your burnout journey, I promise you, the way you feel right now WILL NOT be how you feel forever.


DON’T look at your phone first thing in the morning, you’ll be flooding it with information that it doesn’t need. Instead connect with your breath – your superpower!

MEDITATE every morning to set your brain up for the day. Regularly tuning in and processing your emotions ensures that things don’t become overwhelming and deep breathing engages your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relaxation).

SET a clear working day for yourself and be really strict with it. Don't look at your emails outside of working hours!

TAKE BREAKS throughout the day to be fully present in the moment with your breath and body. This helps to reduce anxiety and strengthen your neurological pathways.

RELAX your mind before you go to bed. Don’t look at a screen at least an hour before bed and do something relaxing instead (meditating, journaling, hot bath, listen to music, calming smells…) the brain needs to unwind after a busy day.

WRITE your 'to do' list the night before and never write more than 3 things you absolutely have to get done - everything else will then be a bonus!

REDUCE your intake of the news and social media. The news is inherently negative and social media makes you compare your life to others.

TAPPING is a powerful tool for overcoming negative thoughts. Use Emotional Freedom Technique every day to make sure you are regularly reframing your negative thoughts.

AFFIRMATIONS are a great way to overcome your limiting beliefs. So if you keep thinking 'I'm not good enough' repeat 'I AM good enough' or if you keep thinking 'I'm not clever' reframe to 'I AM clever'.

Sleep is the foundation of your mental health but it's often easily disrupted when you're experiencing burnout. Listen to this meditation before you go to bed to help calm your busy mind and improve those much needed ZZZZ's.

“I contacted Kim while in chronic burnout desperate for tools to support myself mentally. From the initial chat she listened, put me at ease and reassured she could help. The programme was hugely insightful and expertly led by Kim, by the end she had delivered on all aspects from our first conversation and much more. I can not thank her enough for giving me new found confidence, resilience and excitement for what the future holds!”
— Kristina


f you would like more support The Happy Heads Burnout Programme has been specifically designed to help you:

  • Overcome burnout, bringing calm and peace to your frazzled mind

  • Improve your mental and physical wellbeing

  • Release negative energy from your nervous system thats built up in the workplace

  • Rebuild your confidence and self belief

  • Bring your nervous system back into balance (after being under constant stress)

  • Reduce anxiety and stress held in both body and mind

  • Bring you back to yourself once again!

  • Improve your sleep & Focus

  • Empower you will a whole toolbox of calm that you can use at home or in the workplace

I always send out some pre questions first and then from that I tailor the programme to your exact needs. 

Each private session includes breathing techniques, guided meditation, and a full round of Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping). EFT is a powerful tool at helping you release negative tension held in both your body and mind and help you overcome any anxious, negative thoughts that you might be having.

I always offer a FREE 20 minute phone consultation so please get in touch I would love to hear from you xx


A common anxiety trigger is worrying about a future event, this is also known as anticipatory anxiety. This is because the brain can easily catastrophise and likes to make up all of these worst case scenarios. We often like to think that we're mystic meg and can genuinely predict the future but the good news is - we're not! Reframing your mind to think differently about a future event is a powerful way to reduce anxiety and rebuild your confidence.

If you experience anticipatory anxiety then watch this video to calm your nervous system and boost your self belief.

If you would like some 1:1 sessions with me please get in touch I would love to help xx




#anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #mentalhealth #wellbeing #selfbelief #tapping #eft #efttapping #happyheads #selfbelief #selfcare #selflove #wellnesscoach #wellbeingcoach #emotionalfreedomtechnique #selfconfidence #confidence #happyheads #meditation #meditate #loveyourself


The world is a bit of a crazy place to live in right now because so many things are uncertain and if you read the news your brain will be filled on a daily basis by things that can make you feel overwhelmed, anxious and panicked (I stopped reading it a while ago for this very reason). The 'unknown' is a very common anxiety trigger because the brain can easily think up the 'worst case scenario' and then the mind starts to believe what it's imagining and that creates more anxiety - it's a dangerous spiral to go down. The difficult thing about this particular anxiety trigger is that we ultimately don't know what the future holds because we're not mystic meg with a crystal ball. We have to find space within ourselves to be comfortable with uncertainty and start to gently rewire your neurological pathways to believe in the positive possibilities that the future may hold.

Tapping is a powerful way at bringing your whole nervous system back into the present moment and bringing stillness to your busy mind. It's the perfect tool for reducing anxiety, so why don't you try it now for 10 mins?

For more support in calming your mind please get in touch I would love to hear from you XX

For daily tips in how to nurture your wellbeing follow Happy Heads on Instagram:

#mentalhealth #wellbeing #dreams #happiness #anxietyrelief #selfbelief #tapping #eft #efttapping #happyheads #selfbelief #selfcare #selflove #wellnesscoach #wellbeingcoach #emotionalfreedomtechnique #innercritic #selfbelief #selfconfidence #confidence #happyheads #meditation #meditate #loveyourself #selflove #uncertainty #unknown #future #thefuture #negativity #negativethinking


Burnout Recovery

Burnout is a very real and very scary thing to experience. I had it myself over 6 years now and in the space of 6 months in the toxic work environment I was in, I completely lost my mental health to the point I had severe anxiety which lead into depression. Overcoming burnout and learning how to nurture my mental health and wellbeing was one of the main reasons I retrained as a Tapping Practitioner, Meditation Teacher and started Happy Heads.
As it's a subject so close to my heart and one that I deeply understand, I am very excited to announce the Happy Heads Burnout Programme. It's been designed specifically to help you:

- Overcome burnout, bringing calm and peace to your mind
- Improve your mental and physical wellbeing
- Release negative energy from your nervous system that built up in the workplace
- Rebuild your confidence and self belief
- Bring your nervous system back into balance (after being under constant stress)
- Reduce anxiety and stress in both body and mind
- Bring you back to yourself once again!
- Improve your sleep & Focus

Each private session includes breathing techniques, guided meditation, and a full round of Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping). EFT is a powerful tool at helping you release negative tension held in both your body and mind and help you overcome any anxious, negative thoughts that you might be having.

There are two programme options to choose from that slightly vary in length:

Silver - 6 Weeks

  • 3 x 1-1 sessions (1.5hr each)

  • Processing burnout and any big blocks in life that might be holding you back

  • Overcome your limiting beliefs 

  • 1 x 20 min phone call check ins to ensure you feel fully supported

  • Several guided meditations to use across the 6weeks

  • Tapping videos to follow

  • Daily practices to integrate into your own routine 

  • Breathing techniques that work with your nervous system

Gold - 8 Weeks

  • 5 x 1-1 sessions (1.5hr each)

  • Processing burnout and any big blocks in life that might be holding you back

  • Overcome your limiting beliefs 

  • Working on your inner critic and overcoming self doubt 

  • 2 x 20 min phone call check ins to ensure you feel fully supported

  • Several guided meditations to use across the 8 weeks

  • Tapping videos to follow

  • Daily practices to integrate into your own routine 

  • Breathing techniques that work with your nervous system

I always provide a full support document after each session and a meditation recording for you to use. The sessions are 1hr 30 mins and will be over Zoom (or in person if you can come to Dalston).

I’m flexible with days and times so just let me know what works for you and if you have any questions at all. I always offer a free 20 minute consultation call to see how best I can support you. If this is something that interests you please get in touch for more details xx
#burnout #stress #anxiety #mentalhealth #wellbeing #wellbeingcoach #wellnesscoach #calm #mind #wellness #wellbeingintheworkplace #corporatewellbeing #happiness #loveyourself #meditation #mediatate #tapping #efttapping #guidedmeditation #efttapping #anxietyrelief #selfbelief #selfconfidence #burnoutrecovery


After the birth of my baby boy this month it felt fitting to have ‘transitions’ as the theme of the Happy Heads Reset. This is a regular, free resource that helps you transform your wellbeing and covers a different topic each month.

Sign up now and you’ll get sent a tapping video to help you navigate any big transition you’re going through, top tips on how to move through anything that’s challenging you and a guided meditation to help ground and calm your energy.

The link is at the top of the page or click HERE

It’s time to reset your body, mind and energy!


Don't worry if you’re feeling a little anxious today - this is a simple breathing technique to help calm your nervous system down and soothe your mind.

If you would like to learn more about how to reduce stress, decrease anxiety and improve your mental wellbeing check out my 8 WEEK ONLINE COURSE x