YouTube LIve

Happy Heads YouTube Live Sessions

Hi Lovely People,

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful start to the year. I wanted to share some exciting news with you guys and also ask for your support.

I’m going to start doing lunchtime Happy Heads YouTube Live sessions every Wednesday at 12pm and the first one is 26th February.

They’ll be 30 minutes long so perfect to fit into your lunch break and will include lots of tapping, breathwork, meditation, visualisation and more. They are totally FREE and if you enjoy the session you can donate but it’s completely up to you and not compulsory in any way.

Each session will cover a different mental health topic and this is where I would really love your input. What would YOU like to tap on? Is there anything you’re struggling with? Is there a topic you would particularly like me to cover? Is there anything about tapping you’d like to know more about? Anything about meditation you’ve always wanted to know? All questions, topics and ideas are welcome!

Please email any ideas or requests to I would love to hear from you.

Put Weds 26th Feb at 12pm in your diary and then simply click onto the Happy Heads YouTube channel page and you’ll see the live session. Or if you subscribe to the channel, click ‘notification’ and it will give you gentle reminder.

I can’t wait to see you all LIVE!

Big Love
Kim xx