Cultivate Happiness


Anger is a normal human emotion but it's often not something that we know how to process in a healthy and safe way. Quite often anger is the proceeding emotion that covers up what we're really feeling inside (scared, lost, rejected, unsafe, sad, abandoned, betrayed, lonely).

This illustration called the Anger Funnel gives a clear description of how anger can be the blanket emotion for other feelings:

Anger shows up when we feel the need to defend ourselves. It’s a sign that something is wrong and needs our attention and consideration. Neither acting out in anger nor holding it in produces a desirable result. Anger demands our attention, as it buries our more authentic primary emotions, and prevents us from seeing ourselves and our situation clearly, and understanding what is happening within ourselves.

Unprocessed anger can wreak havoc on your mind and body. Watch the video above to see how you use tapping to help you process your anger and free your nervous system of negative tension.

If you would like more support dealing with your anger please get in touch I would love to help.

Big Love

Kim xx


A negative mind will never give you a positive life

We have over 6000 thoughts per day so if you're always thinking negatively, it's easy to see how it can quickly consume and overwhelm your mind. For a lot of people, thinking  positively doesn’t come naturally - especially when you’re experiencing a  difficult time or big transition in your life. The good news is, your brain is soft wired not hard wired, so you can change the way you think, you just need to give your brain the loving attention that it needs.

Life can be hard and stressful but if you learn and grow from the difficult situations you’re faced with - you’ll go with the flow of life and find it much easier to tap into your inner happiness and contentment.

It only takes 66 days to create a new neural pathway, which isn’t long in the grand scheme of life. Reframing your mind to think positively and being grateful for what you do have rather than focusing on what you don’t, is an invaluable tool for nurturing your wellbeing.

You control your happiness and you control your thoughts. Tapping is a great way change the way you think - try the Tapping Video above to boost your mood and kick start neuroplasticity .


Scientific studies have been finding that happiness can make our hearts healthier, our immune systems stronger, and our lives longer.

Various studies have shown that positive thinking is good for both your physical and mental wellbeing. Here are just a few benefits of being happy:

  • Happiness predicts lower heart rate and blood pressure

  • Strengthens your immune system

  • Combats stress

  • Fewer aches & pains

  • Combats disease & disability

  • Lengthens our lives


Being happy doesn't appear with a magic wand, it's something that you cultivate daily and make a conscious choice about how you view your world. Everyday you are faced with situations that you can either view positively or negatively. If you continually default to a moan and groan you're not experiencing the benefits of an optimistic outlook. Of course this isn't always possible but if you continually TRY to look on the brighter side, your brain will be much happier. Instead of being pessimistic, ask yourself...

  • What would the positive perspective of this be?

  • What could I learn from this experience?

  • How can this teach me?

  • How can I grow from this situation?

  • Does it serve me any purpose to think negatively about this?


  • Gratitude is an amazing way to overcome negative thinking. At the beginning and end of every day, write down three things you are grateful for. You can keep it simple and say - I am grateful for my health, the blue sky, my breath...

  • Process your emotions by regularly tuning in to see how you feel then naming your emotion (name it to tame it). This helps reduce the intensity of any difficult emotion that may want to overtake your happiness

  • Remember that you don't need to be happy all the time - that would be weird! Take the pressure off yourself and allow yourself to be human. We have a whole spectrum of emotions and happiness can sit by the side of your other emotions.

  • Drain your brain of negativity by journalling your stream of consciousness. All you do is write down your thought as they pop into your head. What's on the page won't make sense, this is a great way to get rid of any negative thoughts that have been building inside your mind.

  • Positive affirmations are a powerful way to reframe negative thoughts. Simply use the affirmation that is the exact opposite of your negative thought. For example if you keep thinking 'i'm not good enough' keep saying (during meditation or writing it down) I AM good enough.

  • Reframe your negative thoughts by using Tapping. Emotional Freedom Technique is a powerful tool at helping you change the way you think. Watch the video above to give your mood the boost it needs.

This is a guided meditation called Loving Kindness. Listen to the link above to increase your self love and cultivate happiness daily.

If you would like more support to nurture your mind please get in touch kim@happyheads I would love to help.

Big Love

Kim xx