

The world is a bit of a crazy place to live in right now because so many things are uncertain and if you read the news your brain will be filled on a daily basis by things that can make you feel overwhelmed, anxious and panicked (I stopped reading it a while ago for this very reason). The 'unknown' is a very common anxiety trigger because the brain can easily think up the 'worst case scenario' and then the mind starts to believe what it's imagining and that creates more anxiety - it's a dangerous spiral to go down. The difficult thing about this particular anxiety trigger is that we ultimately don't know what the future holds because we're not mystic meg with a crystal ball. We have to find space within ourselves to be comfortable with uncertainty and start to gently rewire your neurological pathways to believe in the positive possibilities that the future may hold.

Tapping is a powerful way at bringing your whole nervous system back into the present moment and bringing stillness to your busy mind. It's the perfect tool for reducing anxiety, so why don't you try it now for 10 mins?

For more support in calming your mind please get in touch I would love to hear from you XX

For daily tips in how to nurture your wellbeing follow Happy Heads on Instagram:

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What is tapping and how does it work? This is a question I get asked a lot and something i'm always very passionate about answering. I've been an Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) practitioner for nearly 7 years now and the results I see with my clients never fails to amaze me. Seeing the huge realisations and shifts that they have is always so inspiring. Even during group workshops and retreats when I have no idea what anyone is personally working on tapping has powerful results.


Your body is filled with a very complex nervous system that is connected to your brain my something called the vagus nerve - your mind and body are completely interconnected. Where these energy (meridian) lines begin and end they are closer to the surface of your skin so you can physically tap on them to release the negative tension that you're holding in both your body and your mind.

Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It's also part neuro linguistic programming (using your voice to rewire your brain) which is why it is so powerful at helping you overcome your anxious, negative thoughts and it's amazing at helping you get to the core route of a problem. You're bringing your nervous system back into balance by physically tapping on your body while enabling your brain to process whatever it is that you are working on. You're healing the body AND the mind at the same time, which is why it's so effective.


The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion or specific problem at hand. This could be an anxiety, negative belief, fear, phobia, grief, worry or any difficult emotion or situation that you want to work on. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you then use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body.


Identify the issue you want to work on

  • Rate the emotional intensity of the feeling on a scale of 0 - 10

  • Tap on your karate chop and repeat the statements...

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , I love and accept myself anyway"

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , that's ok, i'm human"

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , I love my body and I love my mind"

  • Then move around the points of the body using language connected to the issue (e.g "this anxiety, this tension in my body, it's exhausting, its holds me back..."

  • After two rounds take a deep breath (in through nose out through mouth) and rate the intensity of the emotion

  • Keep doing the rounds until your number has reduced. Use language that directly targets the problem and only move to positive affirmations when it has reduced.

If you’re interesting in doing tapping and would like a 1:1 session please get in touch xx




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Burnout Recovery

Burnout is a very real and very scary thing to experience. I had it myself over 6 years now and in the space of 6 months in the toxic work environment I was in, I completely lost my mental health to the point I had severe anxiety which lead into depression. Overcoming burnout and learning how to nurture my mental health and wellbeing was one of the main reasons I retrained as a Tapping Practitioner, Meditation Teacher and started Happy Heads.
As it's a subject so close to my heart and one that I deeply understand, I am very excited to announce the Happy Heads Burnout Programme. It's been designed specifically to help you:

- Overcome burnout, bringing calm and peace to your mind
- Improve your mental and physical wellbeing
- Release negative energy from your nervous system that built up in the workplace
- Rebuild your confidence and self belief
- Bring your nervous system back into balance (after being under constant stress)
- Reduce anxiety and stress in both body and mind
- Bring you back to yourself once again!
- Improve your sleep & Focus

Each private session includes breathing techniques, guided meditation, and a full round of Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping). EFT is a powerful tool at helping you release negative tension held in both your body and mind and help you overcome any anxious, negative thoughts that you might be having.

There are two programme options to choose from that slightly vary in length:

Silver - 6 Weeks

  • 3 x 1-1 sessions (1.5hr each)

  • Processing burnout and any big blocks in life that might be holding you back

  • Overcome your limiting beliefs 

  • 1 x 20 min phone call check ins to ensure you feel fully supported

  • Several guided meditations to use across the 6weeks

  • Tapping videos to follow

  • Daily practices to integrate into your own routine 

  • Breathing techniques that work with your nervous system

Gold - 8 Weeks

  • 5 x 1-1 sessions (1.5hr each)

  • Processing burnout and any big blocks in life that might be holding you back

  • Overcome your limiting beliefs 

  • Working on your inner critic and overcoming self doubt 

  • 2 x 20 min phone call check ins to ensure you feel fully supported

  • Several guided meditations to use across the 8 weeks

  • Tapping videos to follow

  • Daily practices to integrate into your own routine 

  • Breathing techniques that work with your nervous system

I always provide a full support document after each session and a meditation recording for you to use. The sessions are 1hr 30 mins and will be over Zoom (or in person if you can come to Dalston).

I’m flexible with days and times so just let me know what works for you and if you have any questions at all. I always offer a free 20 minute consultation call to see how best I can support you. If this is something that interests you please get in touch for more details xx
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Guilt and shame can be hugely toxic for your mental health and nervous system - but they’re not the same! Understanding the difference and their route courses is a HUGE step in overcoming both of them and freeing yourself from their grip 👊🏽
I’ve been learning more about shame and guilt on the master trauma training course by @nicabm_ Here is a really helpful infographic to explain the difference.


Autumn Retreat Square.png

The Happy Heads Heads Autumn Retreat is only 9 days away now and is not something you want to miss! It’s been designed to help you transform your wellbeing after a mentally exhausting year and to make it easily manageable it's set across 4 weekends.
Each Sunday @3pm there will be a 1.5hr LIVE workshop that will help you delve deeper into what you really want and overcome any self doubt that may be holding you back. Every workshop includes insight into the brain and topic, breathing techniques, guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping).

Sun September 26th - Self Love & Set Intentions

Sun October 3rd - Overcome Negative Beliefs

Sun October 10th - Manifest the Life you Want

Sun October 17th - Step into your Power

After the workshops you’ll receive a support email that has all the key insights from what you learnt, a meditation recording for you to use and a weekly (easily doable) practice to help you integrate the tools and techniques into your day. Each one will be recorded so if you miss one you can always catch up.
It’s been designed to completely transform your wellbeing (mind, body & soul) but can also be done individually and you can choose the workshop you would like to attend. You can check out the wonderful testimonials from the last one in my previous post.
To book on follow the link HERE or get in touch xx
#transformation #wellbeing #mentalhealth #retreat #wellness #meditation #meditate #breathwork #breathe #breath #eft #tapping #emotionalintelligence #retreat #autumn #healing #transform #wellness #wellnesscoach #happyheads


I wrote an article for the brillaint Parentfolk about how we can support children and teens mental health and wellbeing post pandemic. You can check out the full article HERE on page 48-49.



This is what depression looks like. This is a picture of my lovely dad, looking very happy, not too long before he killed himself. That's the problem with depression you can't always tell from the outside when people are suffering and people can wear their 'i'm ok' masks very well.
Anyone that takes their own life is ultimately struggling deeply with their mental health and most likely very depressed. Of course the route courses for each individual are completely different but this is why people reach a point where they find life too unbearable to live.
I WISH my dad had felt that it was ok to talk and realised that you CAN transform your mental health but you need to start looking after your brain and process the things that you're struggling with. Some people say that suicide is selfish and quite honestly trying to tell a 7 year old who felt abandoned by her father that it's not selfish would have been a very difficult task.
It was only when I lost my own mental health to burnout that I truly realised what it felt like to be depressed and realised that it's so much more complex. In that moment my dad felt like he couldn't go on any more, it wasn't selfish and I was able to forgive him.
So if you're struggling right now please remember that you 100% can improve your mental health, it just takes some loving care and there are people available right now to help you on your journey. Contact samaritans on: 116 113
If you're worried about someone then NOW is the time to reach out and check in. It's easy to isolate yourself when you're struggling so be the person that they need today. My dad is a driving force behind why I teach - no one should ever feel like life is no longer worth living.
#mentalhealth #wellbeing #suicide #suicideprevention #suicideawarness #suicideawarenessmonth #depression #mind #meditation #meditate #happyheads #itsoktonotbeok #itsokaytonotbeokay #reachout


Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. Add a global pandemic to people feeling like they have to be working 24/7 it’s no surprise that so many people are struggling right now.

Watch this video to see a simple breathing and tapping technique to engage your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relaxation) the opposite of fight and flight, which is what we go into when we're stresses and anxious.

For more support in the workplace or a private session please get in touch xx