The fear of public speaking is something that many people struggle with so if it fills you with anxiety then you are not alone. I used to have a chronic fear of speaking in public until I discovered tapping, which is lucky as I now teach and talk in front of big groups regularly!

Contrary to what your brain might think, you don't need to completely eradicate the fear because it's a normal part of speaking in public BUT you don't want fear to ever hold you back from also feeling calm and grounded when you do.

Tapping is the perfect way to reduce your fear and start to rewire your mind to think differently. The affirmation I AM EXCITED is a great way to actually trick your mind because the feeling of anxiety is physiologically almost the same as the feeling of excitement (racing heart, palms sweaty, butterflies in stomach…).I have used this many times before running workshops to big audiences and it always helps me calm my mind,

Another great way to overcome the fear of public speaking is identify what lies behind your fear. So for me it wasn’t the public speaking itself it was the fear of saying something wrong and the fear of being judged. Once I worked on those limiting beliefs and processed their core route memories - my confidence was transformed.

If you would like to explore your fear of public speaking more deeply then please do get in touch Kim@happyheads.me I would love to help.

I hope you enjoy this one, I know you can do it, let me know how it goes :)

Big Love

Kim x


It's so important to wind your mind down at the end of a busy day because a good quality sleep is the foundation of your mental health and wellbeing, but it’s not always easy to do if you’ve been looking at a screen or your phone all day. The chances are your brain has been overstimulated and switching off might feel impossible to do, this is where tapping can really help!

The physical tapping brings your nervous system back into balance and enables you to engage your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relaxation). The words you say out loud, give your brain the invaluable space it needs to process the day and start to unwind.

Watch this 5 minute tapping video to bring stillness to busy mind and prepare yourself for a restful nights sleep.

For more support improving your sleep please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to help xx


The start of your day is a REALLY important time for your mind. It can make the difference between having a good or bad day. When you set your brain up right you'll be much better equipped to deal with what the day might throw at you. Never look at your phone first thing in the morning it’s like giving your mental health and power away, instead do something that calms and soothes both body and mind.

This 3 minute Tapping Process won't take long at all but will be having a BIG impact on your nervous system - the perfect way to start the day!


Buying a house or moving home is one of the most stressful things to go through because our home is our core safety. We need a home to make us feel safe and secure. When that is up in the air, it can make us feel really unsettled, ungrounded and anxious.

I’ve just been through a year long (very stressful) process of buying and tapping really helped me the whole way through. It helped to process the anxiety of uncertainty, regularly reduce my stress levels and ensure that I was able to get through it without fully burning out.

I wanted to share a tapping process specifically designed to target the stress of moving home so if you’re going through it, watch this video now and hopefully it can help make you feel a bit more calm and grounded xx

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #stress #stressrelief #anxiety #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #anxiety #calm #tapping #efttapping #home #homesweethome #grounding #safe #safety #innerpeace #meditate #meditation #emotionalfreedomtechnique #moving #movinghome #movinghouse


Check Me out In the tapping Solution App now!!

I am SO SO excited to announce that I am now part of the brilliant @thetappingsolution app. I regularly use the app myself because it has so many brilliant tapping meditations and series, so you can imagine how happy I was when they asked me to design an Inner Child Healing series for them. I am hugely proud of this series and I would love you to check it out. This four day series will help you deeply nurture your inner child, process your limiting beliefs and bring inner piece to your internal world.

All you have to do head to The Tapping Solution to download it now.

Thank you so much @jessicaortner @nickortner @alexortner.ts for letting me be part of your wonderful app xx

#innerpeace #innerchild #innerchildhealing #innerwisdom #innerchildwork #tapping #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechnique #emotions #tappingsolution #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #meditation #tappingmeditation #limitingbeliefs #anxietyrelief #anxiety #stressrelief #happyheads #wellbeing #healing #healingjourney

Happy Heads - Private Sessions

Would you like a private session with Happy Heads? One to to one sessions are the perfect way to nurture your wellbeing and I always tailor the sessions to your own personal needs.

The sessions consists of breathing techniques, guided meditation, and a full round of Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping). Tapping is a powerful tool at helping you release negative tension held in both your body and mind. It’s the perfect partner to meditation as it helps your brain get to the core route of a problem and takes the emotional / negative charge away from it.

I always provide a full support document after the session and a meditation recording / tapping video for you to use. The sessions are 1hr 30mins and over Zoom.

If you really want to give your mental health a reset and you’re looking for something longer term I have a selection of brilliant programmes for you to choose from:
•Happy Heads Wellbeing Programme
•Happy Heads Burnout Programme
•Nurture Your Inner Child
•Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond
•Happy Heads Grief Support

I always offer a FREE 20 minute consultation call so if you’re interested please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you xx

#tapping #emotionalfreedomtechnique #eft #efttapping #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #wellbeing #wellbeingcoach #stressrelief #trauma #traumarecovery #traumahealing #nurtureyourself #innerpeace #innerchild #healing #healingjourney #meditation #meditate #breathe #breathwork #loveyourself #selflove #selfbelief #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #stressrelief #grief #parenting

5 Minute Tapping Meditation

Do you struggle with traditional meditation?

Do you find yourself constantly distracted?

Do you find it hard to sit still and breathe?

Do you often feel stressed and anxious?

If you answered YES to any of the above then you should try Tapping. Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) is a REALLY powerful tool for meditation because the physical tapping and movement help to focus your mind and calm your energy.

Watch this video now to try a 5 minute tapping meditation that will help reduce anxiety, improve your focus and calm your busy mind.

If you would like some 1:1 support to help nurture your wellbeing please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you.

Big Love

Kim xx



"A state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation" World Health Organisation

Stress is a normal part of being a human being, it's a natural response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. The problem is we live in such a fast paced digital world where people feel like they need to be switched on 24/7 so there are many things that can stress us out.

Endless access to world news, social media, busy jobs, the cost of living, parenting juggles, mobile phones, and the general day to day stress of life...it's easy to see how a normal amount of stress can quickly lead into chronic stress.


Managing your stress levels is an essential way to look after both your mental and physical health but it's important to remember that life doesn't have to be completely free of stress for you to be able to effectively regulate your nervous system. We can't control what life throws at us, but you can control how you react.

Tapping to Reduce Stress

Tapping is a wonderful way to bring your nervous system back into balance anytime you feel stressed, try this 10 Min tapping sequence above and notice how it makes you feel with no judgement.

For more support reducing your stress levels please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you xx


I was so honoured to be invited by @lovebrotherworld to see a special screening at the House of Lords of this very powerful film called The Men and The Chair Outside of My Window directed by the brilliant @nickaldridge

The film highlights male mental health, which is something I am deeply passionate about. My dad killed himself when I was 7 years old so I’ve lived with suicide my whole life. The impact of male mental health has literally shaped my life.

Suicide is something that is still very sadly prevalent and in 2022 in England alone, 5284 men took their own life. Men are 3 times more likely to kill themselves than women and this crisis needs to stop.

I witnessed three incredible men @bobjo_nes @coughcool86 @nickaldridge talk openly about their own mental health while introducing this film and that’s the first time I’ve ever witnessed such a conversation (and I’m 40). It’s these kind of conversations that we NEED to keep having to help overcome the stigma of a man talking about his mental health.

Talking about mental health should be no different to discussing physical health - it effects everyone. If more men feel like they can speak out and reach out, not only when they are struggling but in the every day ups and down of life we can greatly reduce the number of suicides each year.

Please take time to watch this video and share with those around you. If you yourself are struggling call 116 123 now for support, visit Samaritans or get in touch kim@happyheads.me xx

#suicide #suicidepreventionmonth #suicideawarness #suicidesupport #mentalhealth #malementalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #malementalhealth #tapping #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechnique #mentalhealthcoach #innerworld #meditation #meditate



My Interview as part of the Tapping World Summit is now LIVE and you can watch it HERE. It's live and FREE for the next 16hrs but after that you can buy the summit and own it for life.

I had a wonderful conversation with Jessica Ortner about how we can use tapping to Nuture Your Inner Child and we also did some actual tapping that you can do too. Watching it will help you learn:

  • How to recognize when your adult reactions of today are actually manifestations of unresolved childhood experiences from the past.

  • How to address limiting beliefs like “I’m not enough” with self-compassion and self-acceptance (hint: Tapping can help!)

  • Self-care practices and affirmations to nurture your inner child and heal deep-seated emotional wounds.

I hope you enjoy the interview and if you did like it you may want to check out my Nurture Your Inner Child Programme.

Big Love
Kim xx



Life isn't always easy. In fact, for most people, it involves a lot of stress and struggle on a daily basis. With finances, work, health, relationships, and a lot more. Most people are dealing with more stress, anxiety and overwhelm than they realise.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Which is why I want to share what is probably the most transformational FREE online event that exists - The Tapping World Summit. I've been watching it for years gaining so many insights, inspiration and self healing and this year Jessica Ortner herself invited ME to be part of it (HUGE pinch me moment).

I had a wonderful conversation with Jessica about how we can use tapping to Nurture Our Inner Child and we also did some actual tapping that you can do to. Watching it will help you learn:

  • How to recognize when your adult reactions of today are actually manifestations of unresolved childhood experiences from the past.

  • How to address limiting beliefs like “I’m not enough” with self-compassion and self-acceptance (hint: Tapping can help!)

  • Self-care practices and affirmations to nurture your inner child and heal deep-seated emotional wounds.

There are 25 free presentations to watch, check out this page to learn more (click on the image below).

This isn't just an informational event also, it's an experience. Attendees don't just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better. They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.

They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more. They leave having cleared childhood traumas.They leave the event better than when they went in and YOU can be part of it.

It's been going on for 15 years, over 2.5 million people have attended this online event and it has a reputation for getting incredible results for anyone who watches it.

Trust me on this one... this technique and this event are truly amazing. Go here to learn more and sign up:


Enjoy and make sure to let me know what you think of the event.  I hope you enjoy my interview :)

Big Love
Kim xx


Hi Lovely People,

I have a really powerful free resource for you today, which I highly recommend you not only access immediately, but also download so that you can use it anytime you need it.

It's actually not just one resource... but three!  In these Tapping Meditations you'll get to follow along as my friend and New York Times best-selling author Jessica Ortner guides you through three calming and empowering processes.

The Tapping Meditations that you can access immediately are:

1 - Releasing Stress and Overwhelm
(Something that we can all use on a daily basis!)

2 - Moving from Anger to Peace
(An often misunderstood emotion that so many deal with!)

3 - Releasing Anxiety and Worry
(Anxiety is a much bigger challenge than people realise!)

Just go here to acess them now:

What's incredible about Tapping Meditations is that they not only help you to feel calm and balanced, they also help you to release deep core issues that you may be dealing with.

Enjoy these meditations.  I know they can be a great resource for you. 

Big Love
Kim x

P.S. - These meditations are being released as part of the lead up to an amazing event known as the Tapping World Summit.

The summit starts on February 26th and takes you through 10 days of free presentations (2 per day) where you get to learn from the world's leading Tapping experts on a variety of topics. I can't recommend this event enough, I've watched it for years and I still can't believe that they asked ME to be part of it this year!

THIS VIDEO COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE - and the science proves it!

Whether you're familiar with Tapping or just getting started, I’ve got a video to share with you today from my friend Alex Ortner that is a must watch

This 2nd video in their free video series gives you a glimpse into the groundbreaking research pouring into this this technique that can revolutionize your life. You’ll get to hear from top experts like Tony Robbins, Dr. Mark Hyman and Iyanla Vanzant, TV hosts like Hoda Kotb from the Today Show and Tamron Hall, and from every day users like you.

In this video you’ll witness firsthand why Tapping is taking the world by storm and how YOU can use it to revolutionize your routine and your life. 

The video goes deep on how you can use this technique to release stress and anxiety, improve sleep, reduce food cravings, relieve physical pain, resolve trauma, and much more…

In addition to the science, you’ll witness TRUE eye-opening stories of transformation you really have to see to believe… We're talking about real, tangible, life-altering changes from this simple technique, all backed by science.

Tapping is truly breaking down barriers, touching lives in ways we never imagined possible, and redefining what it means to find true wellbeing. So, are you ready to give it a try?


P.S. - The video is being released in the lead up to the 16th Annual Tapping World Summit. I highly reccommend registering as it's FREE and I’m VERY EXCITED to be part of it!!!


A lot of people really beat themselves up over "negative thinking."
It is, of course, true that in order to create the life we want today, changing our thinking to be more positive is extremely important and effective for reaching our goals.


Did you know that negative thinking is actually hardwired into the brain, in one of the most ancient parts of it? And that it's there for a very important reason?

If you want to find out what this reason is, and how you can overcome it, I recommend watching a video just put out by my friend and New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner that shares more about this primitive part of the brain, why it's not your fault if you think negatively, and what you can do about it.

He'll show you how you can use Tapping to literally rewire the neuropathways of the brain to create the life you want. He'll even take you through a simple yet powerful process with it that will have you instantly feeling better. You can check it out here:

Here's the reality about negative thinking...

It's hard-wired in our brain for a reason and not easy to overcome unless you have a technique or tool to overcome it. If you feel you get stuck in patterns of negative thinking, take a breath, and know that it's not your fault.

But know that there IS something you can do about it. With this simple video, you'll learn how to use EFT Tapping to get past this primitive part of the brain and remove the negative thinking, limiting beliefs and chronic negative emotions that stifle our ability to grow and create the life we want.



Kim xx

P.S. - Nick is releasing this video as part of the lead up to his 16th Annual Tapping World Summit, which starts on February 26th and this year they asked me to be part of it, I'm still pinching myself!!!

This event has been attended by over 2.5 million people over the last 15 years.  It is a truly life-transforming event that you don't want to miss out on.


Rumination is when your minds get stuck on certain thoughts, usually negative ones. It's like a broken record in your mind that won't stop playing. When we ruminate over the past we keep replaying certain events, worrying about things we said, overthinking our actions and wishing their was a different outcome. This can easily make you feel overwhelmed, anxious and has a detrimental impact on your mental health.

This is because it's a completed wasted energy - we can't change the past! What we can do though is anchor our minds in the present moment and tapping is a great way to do that and stop the rumination.


Do you struggle to believe that you are enough? If you do, then you’re alone. One of the most common limiting beliefs is 'I'm Not Enough'. Whether it's I'm not good enough, I'm not rich enough, I'm not beautiful enough, I'm not successful enough - not feeling 'enough' can have a big impact on your confidence and self worth.

Tapping is a powerful way to start to change your inner narrative and rewire your mind to think differently.

If you would like some more support please get in touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to help xx


Collarbone breathing is a great way to quickly reduce stress and anxiety. You're working specifically with the collarbone point (chest area) which is a common place that most people experience their stress and anxiety. It also has a very specific breathing technique that helps to deepen your breathing and focus your mind on the present moment.

If you’re interested in private sessions and 1:1 coaching please get int touch kim@happyheads.me I would love to hear from you and always offer a FREE 20 min consultation call xx


We would never think twice about asking a fitness instructor to help us with our physical fitness so why do we ever question getting someone to help with our mental fitness? It's not your job to be an expert on how to look after your mind - that's what I do!

I help people of all ages look after their mental health and wellbeing and I take that role very seriously. I've been a trained Meditation Teacher and Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) Practitioner for nearly 8 years now and regularly do specific trauma training on the brain, the inner critic and how as humans our nervous systems react to stress, anxiety and trauma. I work with adults and also specialise in children and families. I bring a wealth of personal and professional experience into all that I do.

For a private session, I send out some pre questions first and then from that I tailor the session to your exact needs. The sessions consists of breathing techniques, guided meditation, and a full round of Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping). EFT is a powerful tool at helping you release negative tension held in both your body and mind. It’s the perfect partner to meditation as it helps your brain get to the core route of a problem and takes the emotional / negative charge away from it. 

I always provide a full support document after the session and a meditation recording / tapping video for you to use. The sessions are 1hr 30 mins, £135 and will be over Zoom.

If you really want to give your mental health a reset and you’re looking for something longer term I have the brilliant Happy Heads Wellbeing Programme. It’s been designed to completely transform your wellbeing over the course of 6 - 8 weeks and includes:


  • 3 x 1-1 sessions (1.5hr each)

  • Processing several big blocks in life that might be holding you back

  • 1 x 20 min phone call 'wellbeing check-in'

  • Several guided meditations to use across the programme

  • Tapping and breathing videos to follow

  • Daily practices to integrate into your own routine 

  • Regular Whatsapp communication with me to ensure you feel fully supported throughout

Silver package is £390.


  • 5 x 1-1 sessions (1.5hr each)

  • Processing several big blocks in life that might be holding you back

  • 2 x 20 min phone call 'wellbeing check-in'

  • Several guided meditations to use across the programme

  • Tapping and breathing videos to follow

  • Daily practices to integrate into your own routine 

  • Regular Whatsapp communication with me to ensure you feel fully supported throughout

Gold package is £650.

I’m flexible with days and times so just let me know what works for you and if you have any questions at all. I always offer a free 20 minute consultation call to see how best I can support you so please get in touch kim@happyheads.me xx

I look forward to hearing from you :)

Take Care

Kim x

MANIFEST THE LIFE YOU WANT - 6th December @ 8pm

Manifest the life you want

“A manifestation is something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings and beliefs" Law of Attraction

Without  consciously realising - we are always manifesting. Every thought you have creates an energy flow within and around your physical being. This energy attracts its likeness. So if you’re thinking “I’m not good  enough” then your energy may start to reflect that and it will be harder to attract positive experiences that align to your authentic self. Manifesting is a powerful way to identify what you really want from life, overcome your limiting thoughts and start to turn your dreams into reality.

This one hour VIRTUAL workshop includes:

Insight  - into what manifesting actually is and the four step process to follow. 

Breathwork - to calm and soothe your nervous system.

Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) to help you overcome any self doubt that might be holding you back.

Manifesting - the life that you want and identifying your dreams.

Visualisation - to help put your dreams out into the universe.

The workshops is only £20 and spaces are limited. To book on just click below or you can email me direct on kim@happyheads.me .

I LOVE manifesting so i’m really excited to share this one with you and really looking forward to meeting you all.

Big Love

Kim xx


Have you ever experienced bullying within the workplace? If you have, then you’re not alone. Recent studies show that 47% of UK workers have observed bullying at work and 1 in 10 people have experienced being bullied. It’s something that can deeply impact your mental health, isn’t always obvious to spot and affects thousands of people every day. Unlike bullying at school, which may be more overt, bullying within the workplace can be subtle with passive aggressive communication and gas lighting.

I experienced this myself 7 years ago and it’s not something I’d ever spoken about until recently. It had a huge impact on my mental health and the burnout it created took years to recover from. I've learnt so much over the 7 years I’ve been running Happy Heads and I wish I had these techniques back then because I would have been able to prevent burnout.

I can't control the bullies who you may be being faced with or change the toxic workplace you are in BUT one thing I can do is help you nurture your mental health, reduce anxiety and rebuild your confidence.

This 1 hour ONLINE workshop on 29th November, 8pm UK Time is about helping people find their voice again, validating their experience and reminding anyone that is going through it right now - that you’re not alone.

It includes:

  • Insight - into the brain, burnout and the impact of bullying on your mental health.

  • Breathing Techniques - to calm and soothe your whole nervous system.

  • Guided Meditation - to help you identify your worries and process your emotions.

  • EFT (Tapping ) - to help you overcome any anxious, negative thoughts that you might be having, overcome self doubt and rebuild your confidence.

Spaces are limited and only £20. To book on click the button below or get in touch kim@happyheads.me. The Zoom link will be sent to you a week before.

I can’t wait to see you all.

Big Love

Kim xx